Training and qualifications
Find out about qualifications and training opportunities for practitioners.
Recruiting the right apprentice and understanding what it will mean for you and your setting.
Funding early years and childcare qualifications
A basic overview of funding for early years and childcare qualifications and where to find further advice and guidance.
Becoming an early years practitioner
Find out about what early years practitioners do and how to become an early years practitioner.
Qualifications and progression pathways
Information to help practitioners and managers to support staff with their personal development.
Become a playworker
Information on the training and qualifications needed to be a playworker.
Training and support programme
Training and networking opportunities for Early Years and Childcare settings to support continued professional development. This includes information on the West Sussex Training and Support Programme.
Early Years Teacher Status
Find out what an early years teacher is, where they can work and what you need to do to get Early Years Teacher Status (EYTS).