Early Years Funding
Information, advice and guidance for early years and childcare providers relating to the Early Years Funded Entitlements.
Apply to offer Early Years Funded Entitlement (EYFE)
Guidance on how to sign up to offer EYFE.
Providing Early Years Funded Entitlement (EYFE)
How to provide and claim for Early Years Funded Entitlement (EYFE) for eligible children, including Universal EYFE for 3 and 4 year olds, EYFE for working families and 2 year old Local Authority (LA) Issued EYFE.
Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP)
Information on EYPP and how it can be claimed and used in your setting.
Disability Access Fund (DAF)
Guidance on how to claim and use DAF funding.
Inclusion Funding
How to request funding to support the inclusion and participation of children with severe or complex needs and/or a disability that are accessing an Early Years Funded Entitlement place.
Requesting funding after headcount
How to claim funding for children who request a place after headcount in exceptional circumstances.