Requesting funding after headcount

How to claim funding for children who request a place after headcount in exceptional circumstances.

All children must attend their chosen childcare provider during headcount for the provider to be able to claim Early Years Funded Entitlement (EYFE) funding via their actuals submission.

In exceptional circumstances however, childcare providers can still claim funding for children who start after headcount. Valid exceptional circumstances include a child:

  • who is part of an Afghan family that has arrived in England under the Afghan Relocations and Assistance Programme (ARAP) or the Afghan Citizens Resettlement Scheme (ACRS) - these children must be claimed via a Post Headcount Exceptional Payment (PHCP) request form and not included on your actuals, regardless of whether they were in attendance at headcount
  • approved for 2 year old Local Authority (LA) Issued EYFE who is not already attending a West Sussex childcare provider. Children awarded EYFE under this criteria can start at any point in the term
  • has moved into West Sussex after headcount
  • with an additional need whose start with a provider has been supported by a professional such as a GP, portage, speech and language therapist and health visitor

Further examples can be found in the Early Years Funded Entitlement provider declaration.

To request funding for children who start after headcount, childcare providers must complete the Post Headcount Exceptional Payment request form below.

Before submitting the form

Has the child attended another West Sussex childcare provider this term?

If so, you may need to contact the previous/other provider for transfer of funding instead of submitting a Post Headcount Exceptional Payment request form.

Is the child eligible for 2 year old LA Issued EYFE?

If so, do you have the reference number if approved by the county council, or evidence of approval by another local authority?

Is the parent wishing to use EYFE for working families?

Have you gathered all required information, such as the eligibility code and have you checked its validity using the Online Provider Portal eligibility checker?

Do you have parental permission to apply for additional funding, such as Disability Access Fund (DAF) or Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP)?

If so, do you have the required information and evidence? Requests for DAF must include a completed parent declaration and evidence that the child is currently eligible for Disability Living Allowance.

EYPP claims must include parent details, including date of birth and National Insurance Number.

Submit a Post Headcount Exceptional Payment request form - EYFE Funding

You must submit your request within the term you wish to claim for. Requests received after the term the funding applies to will be declined.

Post Headcount Exceptional Payment (PHEP) request form (external link)

When completing the form, it is recommended to select ‘Continue without an account’.