Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Information and guidance on supporting children and young people with SEND in early years and childcare settings.
SEND Code of practice
What is the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) code of practice, where it came from, why it is important and how early years and childcare providers should use it.
Parent support
Supporting all early years practitioners working in partnership with parents of children with SEND.
SEND areas of need in early years
Information about different types of need for children aged 0 to 5.
SEND under 5 referral
Refer a child that is under 5 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and who has not yet started school.
Setting support phone line
Advice and support service for practitioners and childminders from early years or childcare settings on any inclusion topic.
Diversity and inclusion
Guidance and strategies to support and extend inclusive practice.