1 Overview
The Reuse of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005 enables documents held by a public sector body to be reused:
- for a purpose other than the initial purpose for which the document was originally produced
- where the public sector body owns the copyright
2 Information that cannot be reused
You may not reuse county council material which:
- is exempt from disclosure under relevant legislation
- is the copyright of a third party - you must seek permission to reuse such information directly from the copyright holder
- falls outside the county council's public task and does not directly relate to our core responsibilities
3 When copyright material may be used
The majority of the county council's copyright material is available to reuse for research, private study, reviews and news reporting provided:
- our copyright is acknowledged
- the material is not used in a misleading context
Information requested under rights of access (such as the Freedom of Information Act) can be reused (for example, for commercial reasons) but the requestor must gain permission from us.
As an example, if WSCC internal training material was requested under the Freedom of Information Act by an individual wishing to reproduce and reuse the information in their own training, they would need to seek permission to prevent a breach of copyright.
To obtain permission to reuse WSCC material, a licence must be obtained from our Legal Services team.
4 Further information on how we copyright our material
Content on our website is covered by the Creative Commons licence, details of which can be accessed via the link below.
Details of the Creative Commons licence: (external link)