
Key questions and prompts for the review phase.

Establish outcomes:

  • Evaluate measures agreed at planning stage.
  • Consider repeat of initial assessment (to measure progress).
  • Has the support or intervention been successful and why or why not?
  • What is the pupil’s view of their progress and next steps?
  • Was the method used to gain pupil voice successful – are there alternatives which might be more effective? (for example did verbal questioning not elicit valid comments and feedback? Would the use of prompts such as cards or talking mats promote better quality feedback?).
  • Build on strengths: What went well or made a difference? (think about strategies, teaching, scaffolding and quality of interactions between key adults and the pupil).
  • Has the pupil made progress?
    If little or no progress has been made, consider further assessment, a change of intervention or delivery, adaptation of the plan or delivery, rewriting the plan or continuing with the plan.
  • Are there are other factors which may be impacting on the child or young person’s ability to regulate and learn?
  • If little or no progress has been made, begin the Assess-Plan-Do-Review cycle again.
  • If little or no progress has been made, consider referral to outside agencies.
  • Meet with pupil and parents to share progress and set new targets.