Ethnic minority groups

The Ethnic Minority and Traveller Achievement Service (EMTAS) resources for inclusion help.

EMTAS provides general support to schools regarding all children from minority ethnic backgrounds. This is in addition to the specific support relating to children for whom English is an Additional Language (EAL) and Gypsy, Roma & Traveller (GRT) children.

EMTAS support


Two-part training ‘Recognising Racism and Promoting Equality & Diversity’, delivered jointly with the West Sussex Community Safety team.

The two sessions are available as online training for individual staff or in-school for whole staff teams. For more information, contact your local EMA Advisory Teacher.

Diversity and Inclusion Network meetings

These termly, online meetings are an opportunity for schools to discuss common challenges and share best practice.

More information

For more information about training or the Diversity and Inclusion Network meetings, contact your local EMA advisory teacher.

Promoting equality and tackling racism guidance booklet

This is a guidance booklet designed to support schools to reflect on their current practice and implement improvements through a long-term, sustained, whole-school approach.

The booklet covers 8 key issues of different aspects of planning, policy and practice. We encourage schools to consider how to develop their approach to the 8 issues to tackle all forms of racism and embed inclusion and equality in a meaningful, permanent way.

It also sets out legal and local contexts as well as signposting to further reading, resources and practical tools.

A summary of the main guidance booklet is also available, setting out the suggested whole school approach and outlining the main guidance.

Order the full guidance or summary documents

For a copy of either the full or summary documents described above, email:

Resources for further research

This is an online version of ‘Useful links for resources and further research’ that support the Promoting Equality & Tackling Racism guidance document.

You will find a wide range of external websites and sources to assist you in research and planning.

West Sussex EMTAS periodically check links and relevance of resources. The last review took place on 29 May 2024.