Ethnic minority groups
The Ethnic Minority and Traveller Achievement Service (EMTAS) resources for inclusion help.
EMTAS provides general support to schools regarding all children from minority ethnic backgrounds. This is in addition to the specific support relating to children for whom English is an Additional Language (EAL) and Gypsy, Roma & Traveller (GRT) children.
EMTAS support
Two-part training ‘Recognising Racism and Promoting Equality & Diversity’, delivered jointly with the West Sussex Community Safety team.
The two sessions are available as online training for individual staff or in-school for whole staff teams. For more information, contact your local EMA Advisory Teacher.
Diversity and Inclusion Network meetings
These termly, online meetings are an opportunity for schools to discuss common challenges and share best practice.
More information
For more information about training or the Diversity and Inclusion Network meetings, contact your local EMA advisory teacher.
Promoting equality and tackling racism guidance booklet
This is a guidance booklet designed to support schools to reflect on their current practice and implement improvements through a long-term, sustained, whole-school approach.
The booklet covers 8 key issues of different aspects of planning, policy and practice. We encourage schools to consider how to develop their approach to the 8 issues to tackle all forms of racism and embed inclusion and equality in a meaningful, permanent way.
It also sets out legal and local contexts as well as signposting to further reading, resources and practical tools.
A summary of the main guidance booklet is also available, setting out the suggested whole school approach and outlining the main guidance.
Order the full guidance or summary documents
For a copy of either the full or summary documents described above, email:
Resources for further research
This is an online version of ‘Useful links for resources and further research’ that support the Promoting Equality & Tackling Racism guidance document.
You will find a wide range of external websites and sources to assist you in research and planning.
West Sussex EMTAS periodically check links and relevance of resources. The last review took place on 29 May 2024.
Reference sources are:
- Summary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
- Summary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)
- The Equality Act, 2010 – Departmental advice for schools
from Department for Education (DfE), 2014 - The Equality Act, 2010 – Technical Guidance for Schools
From the Equality & Human Rights Commission, 2014 - The Public Sector Equality Duty
- Equality & Human Rights Commission
- Ofsted Education Inspection Framework – Equality, Diversity & Inclusion statement, 2019
- Race Relations Act, 1976
- Tackling Race and Faith Targeted Bullying (2017)
Government guidance - Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education 2020-2025
West Sussex County Council - School Uniforms Guidance (DfE, 2021) - updated advice with human rights, equality and discrimination considerations
Researching diverse histories, including Black history in Britain and decolonising the curriculum.
- Our Histories - NEU teaching pack, Key Stage (KS) 1 and 2.
- The Black Curriculum - a social enterprise to address the lack of Black British history in the UK curriculum, including resources.
- Black Cultural Archives (BCA) - the BCA aims to record, preserve and celebrate the history of people of African descent in Britain.
- The Runnymede Trust - challenging race inequality through research, network building, leading debate, and policy engagement.
- BBC: Black and British - growing collection of TV and radio programmes.
- Our Migration Story – The making of Britain.
- 100 Great Black Britons - celebration of the lives, stories and contribution of Black British people.
- Teaching British Histories of Race, Migration & Empire - crowdsourced collection of resources for teachers, students and researchers exploring histories of race, migration and empire.
- Nations divided - guide on how to teach the history of partition from The Runnymede Trust.
- The Historic England Blog - five black heroes of the abolition movement in Britain.
- The International Slavery Museum, Liverpool.
- A Visual History of Iconic Black Hairstyles.
- BBC Bitesize: Decolonising the curriculum – to share with students.
- British Educational Research Association: Decolonising the curriculum - blogs, resources, networks and events.
- Historical Association - suggested searches:
- ‘Decolonising the curriculum’
- ‘Black History’
- ‘Slavery’
- ‘Abolition’.
- Historical Association: Resources for each Key Stage.
- Ted Talk: “Decolonising the Curriculum” – Pran Patel (10 minutes and 57 seconds).
- Ted Talk: “The Danger of a Single Story” – Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (18 minutes and 27 seconds).
- Diversifying & Decolonising a Curriculum
Webinar discussion from Chartered College of Teaching featuring Professor Paul Miller & Primary Headteacher Naheeda Maharasingam (1 hour and 1 minute). - Making British Histories, Diversity and the National Curriculum - Report from The Runnymede Trust (2012).
- History Lessons: Teaching Diversity In and Through the History National Curriculum - Report from The Runnymede Trust (2015).
History month information and resources
- Black History Month / Black History 365.
- Black History Month – teaching pack for KS4. Lesson plans and activities that can be adapted for other ages, plus monthly podcasts and posters.
- South Asian Heritage Month
- West Sussex EMTAS resource page - Gypsy Roma Traveller History Month.
National archives
- Black & British: A Forgotten History by David Olusoga - an award-winning exploration of the long relationship between the British Isles and the people of Africa available in different versions for adult and for younger readers with an accompanying four-part BBC series.
- The Good Immigrant by various writers from minority ethnic backgrounds, edited by Nikesh Shukla - a selection of essays exploring otherness, racial inequality and the immigrant experience in the UK.
- Refugee Week
- The Big Hair Assembly - World Afro Day
- Dual Frequency - calendar colour-coded to the Equality Act 2010 where each date is a clickable button linking to further useful information.
- Talking about Racism - a social story, created by Herons Dale Primary School.
- Talking and writing about ethnic minorities and different ethnic groups - government advice on words and phrases to use and those to avoid.
- Show Racism the Red Card.
- Talk it Over - resource to facilitate evidence-based conversations on online hate and how to tackle it with secondary aged pupils.
- National Ambassador Scheme - an online programme from The Black Curriculum helping young people aged 14 – 18 to advocate and educate in their school community.
- Diversity Acrostic Poem Book - an educational book with practical steps for individuals seeking knowledge of diversity and cultural competence, designed primarily for social workers and foster carers but can be equally effective in supporting teachers or other professionals.
- Deserving Better - MA Education Consultancy – handbook for young people in high school to start conversations about decolonising the curriculum including reflections and educational resources.
- Racial Equity Tools - designed to support individuals and groups working to achieve racial equity.
- Teach First booklist - Teach First community library, full of recommendations for more diverse English literature lessons.
West Sussex Library Service
- Diversity and Inclusion - West Sussex Schools Library Service booklists for KS1 and KS2.
- West Sussex Library Service - search for:
- Black Stories Matter' (children and teenagers)
- Celebrating Diversity
- Wordless picture books
- Refugees seeking asylum and moving to a new country
Anti-Bullying Alliance
- ‘Tackling race and faith targeted bullying face to face and online’: A short guide for schools
- Links and reading related to Racist and Faith Targeted Bullying
- Gypsy, Roma & Traveller Targeted Bullying
BBC Newsround
- White privilege: What is it and how can it be used to help others?
- Several pieces about racism and the George Floyd protests in 2020
Anti-defamation League
- ‘How should I talk about race in my mostly white classroom?’ – seven practical steps.
- Glossary of terms and definitions for educational anti-bias programs and resources – for older students.
Blogs, articles and podcasts
- Podcasts from the West Sussex Youth Cabinet - racial Equality episodes include: ‘Today’s Black Youth’, ‘Representation in Education’, ‘Islamophobia’ & ‘Asian Hate’. Podcast lengths vary.
- Beyond BAME – What does the public think? - British Future (an independent thinktank).
- “So the term BAME has had its day. But what should replace it?” - Guardian article.
- Race and Racism in English Secondary Schools, 2020 report - from The Runnymede Trust.
- The Traveller Movement Good Practice Guide - Guide for improving outcomes for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller children in education.
- Peggy Mcintosh ‘White Privilege: Unpacking the invisible rucksack’ - Fifty questions accompanied by a powerful commentary.
- The Impact of Cultural Diversity on Special Education Provision - from ‘The Journal of International Association of Special Education’, 2012
- Decolonising the UK Curriculum - Blog about one school’s experience of embedding a whole school approach to decolonising the curriculum.
- A Curriculum for Anti-Racism - Mr Finch, blogpost, June 2020.
- ‘Why diversity matters in our very non-diverse school’ TES article, R Handley Kirk, 2020.
- ‘Why primary schools need to be teaching diversity and tolerance as early as possible’ - Teachwire article, W A Mirza, 2020.
- ‘Missing pages – Increasing racial diversity in the literature we teach’ - Teach First Report, September 2020.
- ‘Seeing yourself in what you read: Diversity and children and young people’s reading’ - National Literacy Trust report, 2020.
- Reflecting Realities – Centre for Literacy in Primary Education - Survey of Ethnic Representation within UK Children’s Literature, 2021.
- ‘Them and Us’ - Report on race equality interventions in predominantly white schools, 2009.
Supporting conversations about race and racism with children, and young people (CYP), parent carers, including CYP with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
Talking to CYP
- ‘How to talk about racism in schools’ - Tips on supporting teachers to facilitate conversations about race with their pupils. A Ferner & D Chetty, TES article, 2020.
- Helping Students Discuss Race Openly - Julie Landsman, 2016. Article in Educational Leadership: A six step approach.
- Twelve Tips for Talking with Children About Racism and Social Justice by Save the Children Fund
- Wish We Knew What to Say: Talking with Children About Race by Dr Pragya Agarwal - a book to help parent carer and educators give children the tools and vocabulary to talk about differences and similarities in an open, non-judgemental, curious way.
- Exploring Race with Children with Special Needs - Short article, Integrated Children’s Therapy.
- Ten Books to Introduce Race & Ethnicity to Kids with Autism - An article by Mama Bibliosoph, 2017.
Links to share with parent carer
- ‘How to talk to kids about racism’ - Today’s Parent – an age-by-age guide.
- ‘Talking to your kids about racism’ - Short UNICEF article detailing how to start the conversation and keep it going.
- ‘Talking to children about racism’ - NSPCC – Support for parents.
- A Parent’s Guide to Black Lives Matter and A Guide to Black History Month
- Why we need to talk about race and SEND - Special Needs Jungle (a site for parents) article with 51 minute video.
- Explaining racism - Ambitious about Autism article.
Resources to promote equity and diversity in schools.
- Schools of Sanctuary - a network of primary and secondary schools committed to supporting young people seeking sanctuary in the UK, creating a culture of welcome and awareness of the issues faced by refugees and asylum seekers and a welcoming and inclusive environment for everyone.
- A Day of Welcome (Norfolk County Council) - a Day of Welcome is a day of solidarity and learning in schools that aims to build a culture of welcome and understanding for refugees and asylum seekers.
- Microaggressions: staff meeting presentation and guidance - resource to support staff meetings around microaggressions – Anna Freud Centre.
- Anti-Racism Award - Leeds Beckett University.
- Amnesty International Resource Pack - ‘Learning about human rights in the primary school’, ten interactive lessons for children aged 5 and above.
- The Conversation - article on a teacher’s role in fostering a sense of belonging.
- The Art of Possibilities - a series of videos to promote thinking & discussion on the key themes in Kathryn Riley’s 2017 book, “Place, Belonging & School Leadership”.
- Belonging: A Cross-curriculum Learning Experience for Key Stage 3, 2009 - explores intercultural dialogue, focusing on migration, identity & making new communities. 43 short films (from the UK and elsewhere) with accompanying lesson plans.
- The Jigsaw Classroom - a cooperative learning technique that reduces racial conflict, promotes better learning, improves student motivation and enjoyment of learning.
- What is the jigsaw classroom technique? - SecEd, for Secondary.
- Reading Rockets – Jigsaw Reading
- The Bell Foundation, Great Ideas Page
Jigsaw activities explained, with links to curriculum materials. - Diversity and Equality Checklist - for teachers.
Tree of life
Activity to do with individual students or as a small group / class, to explore an individual’s strengths and resilience factors, heritage and culture, and to support them to develop their own narrative about their identity.
- Webinar by Anees Hakim - Family Therapist
- West Sussex Educational Psychology Service - contact for further information.
Positive Psychology
Positive practices can be supportive of a sense of school belonging (for example, see Diebel et al., 2016). This can include the promotion of gratitude (and sharing gratitude), acts of kindness and self-compassion.
- Work in the UK
- Rights respecting schools
- OutRight - empowers CYP to realise their own rights and speak out in support of the rights of all children.
- Child-friendly cities & communities