Targeted inclusion groups

Resources and good practice for targeted inclusion groups including young carers, ethnic minorities, gypsy roma travellers, asylum seekers.

In the event that children and young people (CYP) or their parent carers are victims of a hate crime, you can signpost them to receive support.

Victim Support

Hate crime is motivated by prejudice against parts of a person’s identity such as race, religion, disability, sexual orientation and gender identity.

Hate crime could include property damage, threats, theft, verbal abuse, assault, harassment and online abuse.

Anyone can be affected by hate crime, and it can be a very frightening and traumatic experience. It can feel particularly personal as someone has targeted you because of who they think you are.

Victim Support are an independent charity who offer free confidential advice to those who have been affected by traumatic incidents and crime. They are committed to supporting the needs of all diverse communities within West Sussex. They understand the need to to have accessible services so are able to provide interpreters and alternative forms of communication on request.


Inclusion groups

The sections below provide information, guidance and resources to assist you to target inclusion strategies to particular groups of people.