Services supporting schools and settings

Information on services that support schools and settings.

This section provides information and arrangements for making appropriate requests on the range of local services in West Sussex that will provide specialist expertise and support the Graduated Approach.

  • The local authority must ensure that children have access to a suitable education.

    The Pupil Entitlement Team focus on:

    • attendance
    • children missing in education
    • elective home education (EHE)
    • child employment and entertainment.

    The Pupil Entitlement Investigation team works with schools and families to ensure children and young people have access to their entitlement to a suitable education.

    The Elective Home Education team works with families to offer advice and support if parents choose to take responsibility for their child’s education at home.

    Team Manager - Andrew Parker

  • The ASCT supports maintained and mainstream schools and academies. The team promotes the educational, social and emotional development of autistic children and young people, and those with Social Communication Difficulties (SCD).

    We are a small specialist team of advisory teachers and specialist learning support assistants who enable, challenge, and advise both maintained and mainstream schools and academies to be inclusive, so that the best outcomes are achieved for autistic children and young people and/or those with Social Communication Difficulties (SCD). The team provides individualised advice, support and consultation to schools on a termly basis.

    The ASCT supports and challenges schools through:

    • consultation and review meetings (CARMs), including, where appropriate, observations
    • weekly Specialist Learning Support Assistant advice surgeries and Advisory Teacher advice lines (both online)
    • a variety of training for school staff and parents including:
      • Autism affirming
      • comic strip conversations
      • social stories
      • Lego based therapy
      • sensory processing differences
      • practical classroom strategies
      • autistic girls
      • anxiety
      • pupil voice
    • programmes for parents, including the National Autistic Society’s EarlyBird Plus programme, Exploring Autism and CUES
    • the ASCT’s Autism Affirming Award
    • training for trainee teachers and newly qualified teachers
    • termly online training.

    Referral forms and information can be found below. Please email your completed referral form to us:

  • For information about the managed corporate catering contract, email general administrative support:

    For information on the support the Catering Services team can offer schools that deliver their own in-house catering or who contract directly to a supplier, see its section on West Sussex Services for Education.

    Visit the WSCC website for information on free school meals.

  • CAMHS has teams of staff across Sussex and in the community who can help get the support that is needed for a child or young person who is experiencing difficulties with their emotional, psychological and mental health.

  • Child Development Centres offer a varied team of health staff to assess and treat children with developmental and special needs. There are four main centres in West Sussex.

    Chichester CDC

    Covers Arundel, Bognor Regis, Chichester and Midhurst

    Contact details

    Coordinator – Karen Jarvis

    Child Development Centre
    Westhampnett Centre
    28-29 Westhampnett Road
    PO19 7HH

    Phone: 01243 793639

    Crawley and Horsham CDC

    Covers Crawley and Horsham

    Contact details

    Coordinator - Clare Wilson

    Child Development Centre
    1st Floor, Green Wing
    Crawley Hospital
    West Green Drive
    RH11 7DH

    Phone: 01293 301010

    Haywards Heath CDC

    Covers Burgess Hill, East Grinstead and Haywards Heath

    Contact details

    Coordinator - Sam Lewis

    Child Development Centre
    Nightingale Primary Care Centre, 2nd Floor
    Butlers Green Road
    Haywards Heath
    RH16 4BN

    Phone: 01444 414100


    Covers Worthing, Littlehampton, Shoreham, Steyning and Henfield)

    Contact details

    Community Paediatrics Department
    Child Development Centre
    Worthing Hospital
    Lyndhurst Road
    West Sussex
    BN11 2DH

    Phone: 01903 286700

  • The CIEE team works to ensure that children who are employed or who are engaged in the entertainment industry do so safely and within the legislation and bye-laws governing this area.

    For further details contact: Penny Austin.

  • The County Council has a duty to identify children who are missing education, such as not on a school roll or in any other provision.

    The CME team will work with families to engage or reengage with education and identify a suitable provision.

    For further details contact: Sara Hughes.

  • Sussex Community NHS Trust is the lead provider of Children’s Community Nursing Services (CCNS) across West Sussex.

    It is committed to transforming into a comprehensive model of community nursing, which best meets the needs of all four groups of children and young people identified within NHS at Home (Department of Health 2011).

    1. Children with acute, short-term conditions.
    2. Children with long-term conditions.
    3. Children with complex health needs, disability and continuing care needs.
    4. Children with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions.

    Key contacts

    Crawley (North) team - Rachel Barry , Team Leader

    Phone: 01293 301013

    Worthing (South) Team - Sue Kendall, Team Leader

    Phone: 01273 696011 ext.6200

    Chichester (West) team - Gill Cunningham, Team Leader or
    Jane Evans, Snowdrop Palliative Care Team Leader

    Phone: 01243 793619

  • The CMHL service provides an early intervention and prevention service for professionals only, such as GPs, teachers and youth workers who are working with young people under the age of 18, and are concerned about a young person's mental health and wellbeing.

    The service operates Monday-Friday, 9.00am to 6.00pm, and a Professionals Access Point will be in operation between the hours of 12noon to 5.00pm for professionals to call or email when seeking advice about a young person’s mental health.

  • The team looks after the majority of statutory returns, such as school census, as well as data analysis and reporting within Education and Skills. This includes:

    • School Effectiveness
    • SEND and Inclusion
    • Virtual School
    • Post-16 Support
    • Pupil Entitlement
    • School Organisation.

    Senior Data and Intelligence Officer - Matthew King

    Email contacts:

  • The sooner a family receives the right support, the sooner they are able to improve their situation and prevent the need for prolonged support.

    Support starts with universal services, such as the school, the health service and the police. Families needing additional support will receive the next level.

    A ‘whole family’ approach ensures that children’s needs and welfare are being met and maintained as well as those of the family. This is done by working with the family, local communities and others already supporting them.

    Early help also includes parents-to-be and very young children where:

    • their needs are not being met by routine or ‘universal’ services
    • they do not meet thresholds for statutory interventions.

    There are four elements to early help:

    1. The Integrated Front Door (IFD, formerly MASH) aims to provide a single and consistent point of access to advice, guidance and decision-making about the right level of help needed to keep each child safe or achieve change.
    2. Early Help Hubs that ensure families passed on by the IFD are joined to the right kind of support quickly through a co-ordinated response with partners.
    3. A partnership of specialist keyworkers for families with multiple or complex needs who require coordinated multi-agency support. This aims to prevent the need for statutory social care intervention.
    4. Strong local partnerships to support families in their communities and make sure they have the capacity to deliver an early help response.

    For further information, see our web page on Early Help.

  • The County Council provides the role of Appropriate Body for Early Career Teachers (ECT) during their statutory induction period. The induction period lasts for two years and includes a programme of professional development.

    The service also provides recruitment and retention advice and guidance and answers queries regarding routes into teaching.

    For further details email: Associate Advisor - Carol Vigor.

  • The EPS provides advice to the local authority to support assessments of children’s SEN and disability. As part of the statutory process, this work involves working with the following:

    • Young people with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). This could include involvement in annual review processes and updated consultation, with a focus upon key transition points for the young person. We also provide support to the local authority and schools and settings with the SEN and Disability Tribunal process.
    • Young people where an Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment has been initiated. We have a duty to provide psychological advice to the local authority as part of this process.
    • Pre-school children who have been discussed at an Early Years Planning and Review Meeting (EYPARM) and where it has been agreed that EP involvement is appropriate.

    For further information about both the statutory and traded work of this service, visit the Educational Psychology Service’s pages on West Sussex Services for Education.

    Principle Educational Psychologist: Andrea Morgan

  • Contact: Simon Whitmore
    Phone: 0330 222 7009

    For further details, visit the West Sussex Services for Education Learning Outside the Classroom pages.

  • EMTAS supports schools to improve access and raise attainment for pupils from minority ethnic backgrounds, particularly those with English as an Additional Language (EAL), and those from Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT) and Showman backgrounds.

    The team offers advice and guidance to schools and families, supports parental and community engagement and delivers a range of training and regular network meetings.

    EMTAS sends out a termly newsletter to all West Sussex schools. This includes links to current research and resources, as well as team updates and news on forthcoming events.

    There is also a specific newsletter created each year to promote schools’ engagement with Gypsy Roma Traveller History Month in June.

    The service broadly operates in two teams; Ethnic Minority Achievement (EMA) and Traveller Education Support (TES).

    Ethnic Minority Achievement (EMA)

    The EMA team provide advice and support for all pupils from minority ethnic backgrounds, except Gypsy, Roma and Traveller and Showman pupils. EMA support does include children with English as an Additional Language (EAL) and those who are refugees or asylum seekers.

    EMA advisory teachers can:

    • support schools to find relevant resources to help the learning of children and young people from minority ethnic backgrounds, particularly those learning through EAL
    • deliver training to school staff, such as supporting newly arrived pupils and on how to support EAL learners
    • assist the school in providing an assessment in their first language in order to build a more complete picture of the needs of a bilingual child or young person
    • signpost to other agencies working with minority ethnic and bilingual children and young people
    • be involved in the early stages of identifying additional needs, so that a child will receive the appropriate support and guidance, according to their needs.

    Our EMA liaison officers can:

    • support children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. This might involve a home visit or a meeting at school where the family’s points of views, their questions and concerns can be expressed
    • support with explaining how the education system works, particularly for pupils with additional needs. The liaison officer can help to raise some of those questions and also to help the school to understand the family’s needs and wishes
    • help schools and families to develop strong links. For example; school activities, uniforms, school meals or clubs. This may be via phone calls and emails
    • support at parent consultation meetings, annual review meetings and any other meetings to discuss pupil progress
    • deliver planned projects to schools to support EAL pupils’ learning.

    For Ethnic Minority Achievement (EMA), including EAL queries, email:

    Traveller Education Support (TES)

    Our EMTAS (Ethnic Minority and Traveller Achievement Service) has a small team of TES advisory teachers and liaison officers who focus specifically on Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT) and Showman pupils.

    Our main aim is to work with school staff, children and families to monitor and raise school attainment and attendance of GRT and Showman pupils.

    TES advisory teachers

    • Advice and guidance for school staff and Traveller families.
    • Spread key messages, share best practice and promote inclusive practice for GRT and Showman pupils through termly newsletters, TES network meetings and attending locality meetings.
    • Cultural awareness training for school staff.
    • Regular meetings to focus on needs and progress of GRT and Showman pupils in target schools.
    • Some targeted direct work in schools with pupils.
    • Support successful secondary transition for GRT and Showman pupils, including drop-in support for Yr7 pupils in some target schools.
    • Support for parental and community engagement, including direct support with school applications.
    • Support multi-agency links and collaborative working.

    TES support for families

    • Facilitate liaison between home and school, increasing the capacity of schools and families to develop links.
    • Support in raising school attendance.
    • Promote positive attitudes to education among the GRT and Showman communities by facilitating family contact with schools. This is to ensure that concerns regarding education, attendance and social issues are dealt with efficiently and effectively, in liaison with relevant agencies.
    • Ensure parental access to education meetings.
    • Support and advise parents on issues affecting the education of their children, including understanding technical jargon.
    • Support school applications and transition, including the appeals process.
    • Advise and assist parents with regard to entitlement to education including nursery placements, Key Stage 4 options, careers options and transfer to Further Education.

    For Traveller Education Support (TES) queries, email:

  • The Fair Access Team manage the admissions of children to school, who do not have a school place and meet the Fair Access Protocol criteria.

    The team provide advice, support and guidance to schools, parents and governors. They also give advice about the exclusion process and signpost schools when a pupil is at risk of exclusion.

    The team commission places for children who have been permanently excluded, require support when they are at risk of exclusion. They also support children who have health needs, which impact on their ability to attend school.

    Use our online referral form below for all referrals via Fair Access to the West Sussex Alternative Provision College (APC).

    This form should be used for all referrals for statutory medical provision, directed off-site placements and inclusion support.

    The current Microsoft Word form will continue to be accepted until the end of the 2023/24 Academic year.

    For enquiries phone: 033 022 22059

  • The Family Information Service (FIS) is run by West Sussex County Council and offers free, impartial, up-to-date information to all families on activities, services and childcare.

    The service is the only direct link with the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted) for registered childcare in West Sussex.

    To contact the FIS, email:

  • The free school meals service confirms the number of pupils eligible for free meals to be provided by the school if requested by parents.

    The service also determines the following year’s funding for the provision of free meals and forms part of the data set for the calculation of the Pupil Premium.

    To contact the free school meals service, email:

  • Governance services provides information on how to become a school governor. It also gives useful information if you are already a school governor.

    If you have any questions about the clerk or governor roles, or more complex governance issues such as complaints, contact your support officer by visiting our governor services web page.

    Statutory Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE)

    Area Education Adviser – Victoria Ludlow


    Moderation and Assessment Manager – Tanya Davis-Munro

  • The Sussex Community Foundation Trust Healthy Child Programme is for children and young people. It includes health visiting and school nursing services and provides services from pregnancy to age 19.

    Health visitors and school nurses, also known as Specialist Community Public Health Nurses, are qualified nurses or midwives who have completed additional training in public health.

    Your local health visiting and school nursing includes:

    • staff nurses
    • assistant practitioners
    • community nursery nurses
    • school health assistants
    • health and wellbeing youth workers.

    Visit the NHS website for more information and contact details about the Health Visiting Service.

    ChatHealth and Parentline

    An anonymous texting service available at anytime for confidential advice and support. We will reply to your message within 24 hours Monday to Friday 9.00am-4.30pm, except for bank holidays and weekends.

    Young people:
    You can message “ChatHealth”
    07480 635424

    If your child is 0-5 years
    07312 277163

    If your child is 5-19 years
    07312 277011

  • All enquiries or referrals for both social care and early help should go through one single public contact point or 'front door' referred to as the Integrated Front Door (IFD) - formerly know as MASH.

    The IFD for West Sussex Children Services ensures that all enquiries and referrals are triaged upon receipt. They are then directed to the appropriate service to support with the query, providing a seamless process with children receiving a service proportionate to their needs in a timely way.

    This expertise of the team comprises of qualified early help specialists, social care specialists, managers, customer service centre agents and social care referral advisors.

    If you are a professional worker with information or concerns about a child, you should inform the IFD during office hours using the contact details below.

    For advice and guidance for education based safeguarding enquiries contact Safeguarding in Education.

  • The IPT offer professional expertise across education, health and social care to support the network around a child or young person and their family.

    IPT identify creative ways to achieve good outcomes and develop positive and person-centred solutions. This includes the identification of alternative support and funding streams.

    Referrals are through professionals only and when the Graduated Approach has been followed, applied and has been unsuccessful.

    The IPT requires a family or carer and school to give their consent for information to be shared with project partners. All involved are expected to be actively engaged with the IPT, open to change and doing things differently.

    You can contact the IPT by emailing:

  • LBAT are a team of advisory teachers who work directly with WSCC maintained mainstream schools and academies. The team offer support to children and their families, consultation, advice and challenge to schools.

    They work with schools to improve children’s educational outcomes and emotional well-being, and offer Consultation and Review Meetings (CARMS), individual consultations and bespoke training.

    They also offer support for learning and/or behaviour difficulties affecting a child’s progress in school.

  • The team provides advice and guidance on how Learning Outside the Classroom (LOtC) can be used across the curriculum to promote active learning. It also offers a wide range of training opportunities to support CPD in schools.

    West Sussex Outdoor Education Adviser:

    For further information, visit the Learning Outside the Classroom page.

  • The LADO manages allegations for those who work or volunteer with children, including school staff.

    Contact the LADO:

  • Mental Health Support Teams (MHST) in schools is an important strand of the Government’s 2017 Green Paper ‘Transforming Children and Young People’s Mental Health Provision’. In West Sussex the service is called 'Thought-Full'.

    Being an integrated service, we have links with CAMHS, Early Help and Children’s Social Care and a number of other providers and mental health services. We offer advice and guidance around specific young people and the help that they may need as well as sign posting to other services.

    We have nine teams in West Sussex set up to engage with children aged 5-18, those in mainstream and special units in schools.

    We also consult with schools about the support that they need and respond with training opportunities and supervision groups.

    For further information visit our Mental Health Support Team in Schools page.

  • Occupational Therapy (OT) provide assessment and therapy to help children develop life skills and increase their participation in school. They work with children who have a variety of difficulties including children with developmental delay, learning difficulties, physical difficulties or sensory or coordination problems.

    The service can help children develop play and self-care skills such dressing, eating and drinking, washing and toileting. They can help children achieve their potential in school by developing their fine motor and coordination skills.

    The service may offer advice and support or offer individual or group therapy to help children develop specific skills. Other strategies include recommending changes to the environment by with specialist equipment such as small kitchen aids or chairs.

    How to access

    Any health or education professional can make the initial referral to occupational therapy. Parents and professionals can re-refer to the service if their children have previously been seen by an occupational therapist in West Sussex.


    Central Team

    Nightingale Primary Care Centre
    Butlers Green Road
    Haywards Heath
    West Sussex
    RH16 4BN

    Phone: 01444 414100

    Crawley CDC
    Crawley Hospital
    West Green Drive
    West Sussex
    RH11 7DH

    Phone: 01293 600300 Ext. 3682

    West Team

    Sussex Community NHS Trust
    Children’s Centre
    Worthing Hospital
    Lyndhurst Road
    West Sussex
    BN11 2DH

    Phone: 01903 286716

  • The Paediatric Physiotherapy Service is for children aged 0-19 years. The service assesses and treats children with neurological, neuromuscular and motor development problems.

    As a community service, they see children at home, school or nursery if appropriate, as well as at children’s hospital centres. The service offers clinics, individual sessions and group exercises, tailored to individual children’s needs.

    How to access

    We take referrals from:

    • GPs
    • Health Visitors
    • Minor Injury Units
    • Paediatricians
    • Hospital Consultants
    • School Nurses
    • Speech and Language Therapists
    • Occupational Therapists
    • Podiatrists
    • Audiologists
    • Dieticians.

    Contact details


    Children’s Centre
    Worthing Hospital
    Lyndhurst Road
    West Sussex
    BN11 2DH
    Phone: 01903 286716


    Hilltop Children’s Unit
    Horsham Hospital
    Hurst Road
    West Sussex
    RH12 2D
    Phone: 01403 227000 ext 7103
    Nightingale Primary Care Centre
    Butlers Green Road
    Haywards Heath
    West Sussex
    RH16 4BN
    Phone: 01444 414100


    Westhampnett Centre
    Child Development Centre
    28-29 Westhampnett Road
    West Sussex
    PO19 7HH
    Phone: 01243 793606

  • Portage is a home visiting educational service for very young children (0-3) with significant support needs from birth. Other pre-school children are referred as their needs are identified.

    Portage provides support for families by working alongside parents, offering practical help and ideas to encourage a child’s emerging skills.

    To contact the team email:

  • The Pupil Admission Team coordinates the admission of children starting school and junior and secondary transfers in West Sussex. This is part of the national scheme of co-ordination.

    It also co-ordinates all in-year admissions for community and controlled schools and many of the academy schools. It advises parents and schools on admissions and applying for a school place, except for children with Education Health Care Plans.

    Admissions North

    Contact the team by email:

    Admissions North Manager – Linda Bubb

    Admissions South

    Contact the team by email:

    Admissions South Manager – Helen Moules

  • The SiE team is the strategic lead for practice and policy development and are responsible for the Education for Safeguarding curriculum (E4S). They carry out in school safeguarding audits, Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) training and DSL network meetings. They also offer general safeguarding advice and guidance.

    Key contacts

    For all SiE enquiries:

    Further information about SiE can be found on the West Sussex Services for Education website.

  • The Standards and Effectiveness Team comprises of experienced professionals who provide expertise, challenge, and support in aspects of educational development and training that help to improve the quality of provision for children.

    Our team possess a wealth of specialist knowledge that spans the curriculum, operational and strategic aspects of leadership, safeguarding, SEND and Inclusion.

    Standards and Effectiveness consists of the following teams:

    • Safeguarding in Education
    • Governance
    • Learning Outside the Classroom
    • Newly Qualified Teachers (Acting as the Appropriate Body for NQTs).

    For further information about the teams, visit the Standards and Effectiveness pages.

  • Information and contact details can be found on the West Sussex Services for Education website.

    See also: Planning school places

  • Information and resources on self harm can be found on the West Sussex Services for Education website.

    Programme Manager – Danielle Wilkinson

  • SEND and Inclusion Advisers support schools in a number of ways including:

    • SENCO Leadership Forums - A free training and networking opportunity led and facilitated by the SEND and Inclusion advisers. They are open to all West Sussex SENCOs, inclusion leaders, teachers in charge of SSCs and senior leaders from primary, secondary and special schools.
    • SEND Inclusion Solutions - Telephone consultations for school leaders to discuss SEND and inclusion school provision. Held on Tuesday mornings with 30 minute consultations, which need to be booked in advance.
    • SEND and Inclusion Reviews - These consider the lived experience of children and young people with SEND, review and quality assure SEND provision, support strategic action planning and school development plans, and reinforce self-assessment with external validation. To book a review, see the 'How to book' area on our West Sussex Services for Education page.
      Training and development for governors, school leaders, SENCOs and early career teachers.

    For contacts or more information, visit our SEND and Inclusion advisers page.

  • West Sussex SENDIAS provides impartial and confidential information, advice and support to children and young people who have special educational needs and/or disabilities. They also offer this service to their parent or carers.


    For more information, visit the SENDIAS website or access the SENDIAS Early Childhood Support WIKI.

  • The SEND Under 5s process seeks to establish proactive, practical support for families at an early stage, as well as identification of the support needed throughout their early years and into school.

    The process will be overseen by the Early Years and Childcare Advisers who provide inclusion support within pre-school settings.

  • The West Sussex Sensory Support Team works directly with children and their families, pre-schools and schools to:

    • support and promote the inclusion of children and young people with a diagnosed vision impairment and hearing loss/deafness at home, in early years setting and maintained schools
    • support and promote the inclusion of children and young people with a physical disability and maintained schools
    • liaise closely with colleagues from Health and Social Care to ensure a joined-up approach
    • provide specialist advice and reports for Education, Health and Care Needs Assessments
    • provide specialist, advice, training and support to maintained schools through carrying out specialist functional assessments that inform our work
    • support transitions.

    New referrals should be made to either the Lead Qualified Teacher for Vision Impairment/Multi-Sensory Impairment/Physical Disabilities or the Lead Qualified Teacher of the Deaf:

    Our users say:

    “Parents are called within 24 hours of diagnosis which is fantastic. I had a call the evening we got our son’s diagnosis and the sheer relief of knowing someone was there all ready to support us was invaluable”
  • The County Council has a statutory duty under the Breaks for Carers of Disabled Children Regulations 2011 to provide short breaks for children and young people with additional needs and disabilities, and their families.

    Short breaks cover a range of activities from an hour’s sports activity, a summer playscheme, evening cinema trip or a fun day for the whole family.

    For further information email:

  • SENAT is responsible for children with Special Educational Needs who have an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP), are requesting one, or who are going through the process of an Education Health and Care Needs Assessment. We also process the monitoring and review functions of EHCPs (the Annual Review process).

    You can find information about the process for requesting EHC needs assessment on the Local Offer.

    SENAT teams

    SENAT has two central contact teams depending on whether the query relates to the north or south of the county. Both teams consider and then coordinate EHC needs assessments for new pupils, as well as oversee the monitor and review of existing EHCPs for those in their own area.

    If you do not know which area you are in, use one of the routes and the team members will ensure an appropriate response from the right area of the team.

    You can find more information about the team on our West Sussex SEN Assessment Team page.

  • The SNOs are part of the Special Educational Needs Assessment Team (SENAT).

    For support or further information on training, contact your local SNO:

    North or Mid

    South or West

    Overseeing work associated with requests for EHC needs assessments and undertaking reviewing and monitoring duties: Claire Rimmer

    Preparation for adulthood: Jennie May

    SEN Post-16 Officer: Paul Morrison

  • The role of our team is to support children with additional needs make a positive transition from home or pre-school into Reception.

    We can accept referrals from schools, early years settings and other professionals.

    Further information can be found on our Services for Education page.

  • Some children find talking and listening harder than others. They might find it hard to understand what words and sentences mean. Some struggle to find the right words or sounds to use and put them in order. These children may need help from a speech and language therapist to develop good communication skills.

    Speech and language therapists offer assessment, advice and support in close partnership with families and other professionals. Some speech and language therapists also help children with eating and drinking difficulties.

    How To access

    Anyone including parents can refer to our children’s speech and language therapy service. If anyone other than the parent is referring the child, the referral must always be made with the parent’s consent.

  • The SACRE is a County Council committee whose job is to advise the County Council, as local education authority (LEA), on religious education and collective worship.

    For further information about SACRE see our committee details page.

  • The transport team work closely with SENAT to help with school transport for children with an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) who meet the distance criteria. Cases are considered on individual circumstances.

    Principal School Transport Officer – David Crockford

    Further information about free school transport.

  • The Virtual School for care experienced children provides advice and support to those children looked after. They also support the adults working with those children.

    In particular, the team supports social workers, carers and designated teachers for Children Looked After. They support them to plan for good educational outcomes.

    The Virtual School also offer advice and information on the education of previously looked after children.

    Key contacts

    For pre-school and primary school children who are now adopted or subject to Special Guardianship or Child Arrangements Orders. Support is provided for school staff regarding referred children who are having difficulties settling to learn, using trauma sensitive approaches.

    Key contact

  • The Young Carers Team provide an assessment and support service to young carers, aged 0-18 years, and their families across West Sussex.

    The assessment and support for young carers and their families can include:

    • home visits followed by direct work with the family
    • the provision of short breaks through groups, commissioned services or activities.

    The team also provides consultation and training to other professionals. The training covers the needs of young carers, including raising the awareness across the Integrated Prevention and Earliest Help, Children’s and Adult’s Services.

    Team Manager – Lorraine Butcher

  • YES is a free service for young people aged 11-17 years that helps support young people with a variety of mental or emotional health issues including low mood, feelings of anxiety, relationship issues and self-injury.

    Referrals can only be accepted up until the young person’s 18th birthday.

    Phone: 033 022 26711

  • The YJS can be contacted by phone or email. In the event of an urgent concern or enquiry, these can be directed to the YJS Duty Manager.

    Education and employment enquiries

    Restorative Practice enquiries

    For further information and useful resources, visit our Youth Justice Service page.