Useful early years to primary transition resources

Special Advisory Teachers Early Years SEND transitions

The role of the team is to support children with additional needs make a positive transition from home or pre-school into Reception. We can accept referrals from schools, early years settings and other professionals.

Further information can be found on West Sussex Services for Education.

Anna Freud Mentally Health Schools

The Anna Freud Mentally Healthy Schools website has useful tips for school staff to help children and young people settle when starting primary school or to support those who change school regularly as well.

West Sussex County Council

Autism transitions: An autism transitions project

This project is a collaboration between The University of Southampton and Aviary Nursery in Eastleigh.

Other resources

The National Association for Special Educational Needs (NASEN) also contains a number of resources to support with transition into school.

A Brain-based approach to supporting children’s transitions – guest post. This is a post written from the point of view of the psychological impact that effective and not so effective transitions can have.

Supported transition plans