Request support or raise a concern about a child
Request support or raise a concern if you’re worried that a child or young person is at risk or is being abused.
West Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnership
Help to keep children and young people in our county safe.
Family Safeguarding Model
Find out more about the Family Safeguarding Model.
Find details of who to contact for support if your child is being bullied.
Raise a concern about an adult
How to raise a concern about the welfare of an adult if you think they are being harmed, abused or neglected.
West Sussex Safeguarding Adults Board
Visit the WSSAB website to find out about the different organisations working to safeguard adults.
Domestic abuse
What to do if you, or someone you know, is being abused.
Preventing extremism and radicalisation
How to reduce the risk of extremism and radicalisation within West Sussex.