Request an access protection line

How to request a white road marking to draw attention to a driveway or where access is needed.

1 Overview

Access protection lines (APLs) are white 'H' shaped lines intended to prevent persistent obstruction of driveways and entrances to properties by parked vehicles.

However, they are:

  • only advisory and have no legal standing
  • not designed to improve the amount of room that is available to turn into or out of your property.

If approved, the lines will only be marked from the dropped kerbs either side of the access. They will not be extended to prevent parking outside of this area.

APLs wear away over time and as they only provide protection for a private access, they are not maintained as part of routine road maintenance. When they fade you will need to submit a new application and payment for the lines to be refurbished.

We have no enforcement powers if your driveway or entrance becomes obstructed, this should be reported to the Police.

2 Cost

There is a non-refundable fee of £210 which includes assessing your application and installation. Any future line refurbishment requests will require a new application and payment.

You will be asked to make payment online once we have received your application.

3 Criteria

Access protections lines:

  • will not be placed where there are already double yellow lines on the road outside your property, if these restrictions apply 24/7 all year round.
  • will not be placed when there is a single yellow line on the road outside your property unless obstruction is occurring outside the times when the restriction applies.
  • will not be placed where there is a double white line system in the centre of the road.
  • will not be installed to deter parking on the opposite side of the road from your vehicle cross over (dropped kerb).
  • can be installed within controlled parking zones provided the above criteria is fulfilled.

4 Apply

You must have a correctly constructed dropped kerb in place before you can submit an application.

The form can be used to request either a new APL or refurbishment of an existing line.

Apply for an access protection line (external link)

5 What happens next?

After submitting your application, you will be contacted for payment of the non-refundable fee.

Once payment is confirmed your application will be allocated to an officer, who will assess the site and will contact you within 20 days.

Once your application has been approved it can take between 6-16 weeks before the APL is painted. This work is weather dependent and therefore times may vary.

Last updated:
24 June 2024
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