Request a search of petroleum storage records

We can check our archive for evidence of historic petrol storage at a given address.

1 Overview

Anyone developing a plot of land, or who has concerns about possible historic pollution from stored petrol on land, can ask us to carry out a search.

We will check our archives to find out whether a given West Sussex address:

  • was previously used to store petrol
  • still has old petrol tanks remaining on the land.

3 Search costs

The cost of a search is £96.00* per hour, for which we will provide details of the information we hold in writing. We do not charge VAT for this service.

The length of time required to undertake a search will vary depending on the information requested and the number of records we hold. We will advise on this and will normally ask for payment in advance.

Any outstanding time cannot be carried forward to future enquiries that are not related to an ongoing search.

Before we undertake a search, we may ask you to provide written consent from the current landowner and current keeper of petrol (if applicable) to allow us to disclose information to third parties.

Once agreed we'll request payment by credit or debit card. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept payment by cash or cheque.

*Charges may be altered in the future. Correct as of April 2024.

Last updated:
24 June 2024
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