Early years funded entitlement estimates
Guidance on how to submit estimates for Early Years free entitlement (EYFE).
Providing estimate and actuals information
There are two Early Years free entitlement (EYFE) claims per term:
- Estimate (optional) - done before the start of term
- Actuals (mandatory) - done at headcount time
This page provides guidance on Estimates. For Actuals, visit our page on Early Years Funded Entitlement Actuals (including EYPP and DAF).
If you provide an estimate you will receive an estimated payment just after the start of a term, comprising 70% of the expected termly total claim. The remaining 30% is paid after half term, adjusted based on your actuals claim.
If you do not provide an estimate, you will receive one payment, based on your actuals claim, after half term.
You can add or amend data any time up until the submission deadline date, at which point the portal closes and no further changes can be made.
Find out more about scheme administration and how to claim on our web page Providing Early Years Funded Entitlement (EYFE).
Check the submission date on when to use the portal. [Needs link?]