Fire service information, including recruitment, safety advice and training courses.

Fire & Rescue Service targeted education

Our Targeted Education Team are offering several new Early Intervention Projects (EIP).


Our friendly Targeted Education Team are offering a course called GRIT, delivered over seven days and spans a two week period and is delivered out of your local fire station.

We have availability for a group of 12 young people in years 7 and 8 who are considered the ‘invisible middle’. They may have low self-esteem and/or low self-confidence. These young people may struggle with mainstream learning but are willing and motivated to learn and they may have extreme shyness or high anxiety.

GRIT’s aim is to deliver an intervention which develops Children and young people’s (CYP’s) protective factors by explicitly teaching a curriculum of social and emotional learning with adaptations to meet the needs of cohorts and partners.

Selected protective factors include:

  • personal resilience
  • physical health
  • positive wellbeing
  • healthy relationships
  • stronger communities
  • aspirations.

The objective is to deliver a programme which makes use of practical firefighting skills and safety education as an engaging and memorable tool for working with Children and young people (CYP), but clearly prioritising the focus of personal development as the primary learning outcome.

It's a programme to be delivered with positive role models in an interactive way which meets a multitude of learning needs and creates an effective learning environment.

Some of the exercises and activities the students will undertake during GRIT:

  • Hose running and numbering off parades - This drill is designed to give the students the experience of being part of a team working towards a common goal. In this case: a simulated exercise where the students work together to put a fire out and keep their community safe!
  • Breathing apparatus and ladder exercises - The students experience appropriate challenges which enables them to explore and develop their personal resilience. These exercises are designed to ensure the students build confidence by pushing themselves out their comfort zones and potentially face their fears.
  • Communication and team building activities including a trip to Lodge Hill - The students get involved in several challenges to encourage and develop communication and teamwork skills. The students have experienced activities designed to build trust and develop respect.
  • First aid, road safety and fire safety workshops - The safety workshops prompt the students to take responsibility for their own and others safety and to make a pledge to contribute positively to their own community.

We are hopeful that the experiences, skills and growth gained will serve as a solid foundation for these young people as they journey into adulthood. We trust that they will carry forward the lessons of personal development and safety, applying them not only in their own lives but also contributing positively to the communities they become a part of.

Watch a short video of what the young people will experience on GRIT.

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Referral process

We are a small team, but when we come to your local area, your educational setting will be offered an opportunity to refer young people. Once the referrals are received, all appropriate parental permissions sorted and Service Level Agreement signed, the coordinator will be in touch to arrange a pre-meet with each individual YP to build rapport and give the YP a short taster session of what to expect.

We will then provide a Pass Out at the end of the course that parents/carers and teachers will be invited to, and this is where the YP will demonstrate the new skills they have learnt.

Evaluation is a crucial part of keeping our service free at the point of contact. We have to prove that what we do has an impact. Therefore, collecting evaluations from YP, partners and instructors is an absolute must! So please, if you are a YP or partner, please be willing to fill out our evaluations when asked and return in a speedy manner.

Follow us on social media:

If you require any further information please contact the GRIT coordinator, Graham Harmour at or


Our friendly Targeted Education Team are offering a course called BLAZE which is specifically designed for SEND schools and is delivered over five consecutive days from either the local fire station or the SEND school grounds if appropriate. Graham Harmour is the BLAZE coordinator and will design the course to meet the specific needs of the young people (YP).

We have availability for a group of 12 young people in year 7 upwards who are considered the ‘invisible middle’. They may have low self-esteem and/or low self-confidence. These young people may struggle with learning but are willing and motivated to learn and may have extreme shyness or high anxiety.

BLAZE’s aim is to deliver an intervention which develops Children and young people’s (CYP’s) protective factors by explicitly teaching a curriculum of social and emotional learning with adaptations to meet the needs of cohorts and partners.

Selected protective factors include:

  • personal resilience
  • physical health
  • positive wellbeing
  • healthy relationships
  • stronger communities
  • aspirations.

The objective is to deliver a programme which makes use of practical firefighting skills and safety education as an engaging and memorable tool for working with Children and young people (CYP), but clearly prioritising the focus of personal development as the primary learning outcome.

It's a programme to be delivered with positive role models in an interactive way which meets a multitude of learning needs and creates an effective learning environment.

Some of the exercises and activities the students may undertake during BLAZE:

  • Hose running and numbering off parades - This drill is designed to give the students the experience of being part of a team working towards a common goal. In this case: a simulated exercise where the students work together to put a fire out and keep their community safe!
  • Breathing apparatus and ladder exercises - The students experience appropriate challenges which enables them to explore and develop their personal resilience. These exercises are designed to ensure the students build confidence by pushing themselves out their comfort zones and potentially face their fears.
  • Communication and team building activities including a trip to Lodge Hill - The students get involved in several challenges to encourage and develop communication and teamwork skills. The students have experienced activities designed to build trust and develop respect.
  • First aid, road safety and fire safety workshops - The safety workshops prompt the students to take responsibility for their own and others safety and to make a pledge to contribute positively to their own community.

We are hopeful that the experiences, skills, and growth gained will serve as a solid foundation for these young people as they journey into adulthood. We trust that they will carry forward the lessons of personal development and safety, applying them not only in their own lives but also contributing positively to the communities they become a part of.

Watch a short video of what the young people will experience on BLAZE.

Update your cookie preferences to view the video.

Referral process

We are a small team, but when we come to your local area your educational setting will be offered an opportunity to refer young people. Once the referrals are received, all appropriate parental permissions sorted and Service Level Agreement signed, the coordinator will be in touch to arrange a pre-meet with each individual YP to build rapport and give the YP a short taster session of what to expect.

We will then provide a Pass Out at the end of the course that parents/carers and teachers will be invited to, and this is where the YP will demonstrate the new skills they have learnt.

Evaluation is a crucial part of keeping our service free at the point of contact. We have to prove that what we do has an impact. Therefore, collecting evaluations from YP, partners and instructors is an absolute must! So please, if you are a YP or partner, please be willing to fill out our evaluations when asked and return in a speedy manner.

Please follow us on our social media platforms to get the most recent and up to date information.

Follow us on social media:

If you require any further information please contact the GRIT coordinator, Graham Harmour at or


Our friendly Targeted Education Team are offering a holiday activity club called FUEL, which will be very similar to a youth club format.

This will be three days a week for three weeks in the summer holidays or four days per week for one week at Easter or Christmas.

It is available for 12 young people and is aimed at Year 7 + from multiple secondary schools local to the venue.

FUEL's aim is to deliver an intervention which develops children and young people’s (CYP’s) protective factors by explicitly teaching a curriculum of social and emotional learning with adaptations to meet the needs of cohorts and partners.

Selected protective factors include:

  • personal resilience
  • physical health
  • positive wellbeing
  • healthy relationships
  • stronger communities
  • aspirations.

‘FUEL’ will use the Fire Service's unique selling point (USP) to fuel an interest in healthy eating and exercise and the importance of nutritional value. They will be given a unique opportunity to experience being a firefighter for the course.

They will be physically and mentally challenged and will learn all about the physicality of the job and how nutrition is crucial to enable a firefighter to complete their job safe and well. We will explore how firefighters get their energy and the importance of it.

The young people will be given plenty of down time and breaks too. Mindfulness exercises, such as building Lego and colouring, will be available when they need to have space.

A nutritious meal will be provided each day and the instructors will sit down with the young people during lunch and talk to them about the nutritional value of what they are eating.

Some of the exercises and activities the students may undertake during FUEL:

  • Hose running and numbering off parades - This drill is designed to give the students the experience of being part of a team working towards a common goal. In this case: a simulated exercise where the students work together to put a fire out and keep their community safe!
  • Breathing apparatus and ladder exercises - The students experience appropriate challenges which enable them to explore and develop their personal resilience. These exercises are designed to ensure the students build confidence by pushing themselves out their comfort zones and potentially face their fears.
  • Communication and team building activities including a trip to Lodge Hill - The students get involved in several challenges to encourage and develop communication and teamwork skills. The students have experienced activities designed to build trust and develop respect.
  • First aid, road safety and fire safety workshops - The safety workshops prompt the students to take responsibility for their own and others safety and to make a pledge to contribute positively to their own community.

We are hopeful that the experiences, skills and growth gained will serve as a solid foundation for these young people as they journey into adulthood. We trust that they will carry forward the lessons of personal development and safety, applying them not only in their own lives but also contributing positively to the communities they become a part of.

The young people will all receive a certificate and medal at the end of the course to mark their achievement.

You can find all referrals for FUEL. Keep checking to see when the booking process is open for each holiday.

Evaluation is a crucial part of keeping our service free at the point of contact. We have to prove that what we do has an impact. Therefore, collecting evaluations from YP, partners and instructors is an absolute must! So please, if you are a YP or partner, please be willing to fill out our evaluations when asked and return in a speedy manner.

Please follow us on our social media platforms to get the most recent and up to date information.

Follow us on social media:

If you require any further information, please contact the FUEL coordinator, Neil Bridcut at or


Our friendly Targeted Education Team are offering a course called ‘IGNITE’, which is aimed at aged 16 plus.

It runs for five days consecutively between 10.00am to 3.00pm at one of our local fire stations.

We have availability for a group of 12 young people aged 16 plus who are considered the ‘invisible middle’. They may have low self-esteem and/or low self-confidence. These young people may struggle with learning but are willing and motivated to learn and may have extreme shyness or high anxiety.

IGNITE’s aim is to deliver an intervention which seeks to develop young people’s protective factors by explicitly teaching a curriculum of social and emotional learning with adaptations to meet the needs of cohorts and partners.

Selected protective factors include:

  • personal resilience
  • physical health
  • positive wellbeing
  • healthy relationships
  • stronger communities
  • aspirations.

They will be physically and mentally challenged and will learn all about the physicality of the job and how nutrition is crucial to enable a firefighter to complete their job safe and well. We will explore how firefighters get their energy and the importance of it.

Some of the exercises and activities the students may undertake during IGNITE:

  • Hose running and numbering off parades - This drill is designed to give the students the experience of being part of a team working towards a common goal. In this case: a simulated exercise where the students work together to put a fire out and keep their community safe!
  • Breathing apparatus and ladder exercises - The students experience appropriate challenges which enable them to explore and develop their personal resilience. These exercises are designed to ensure the students build confidence by pushing themselves out their comfort zones and potentially face their fears.
  • Communication and team building activities - The students get involved in several challenges to encourage and develop communication and teamwork skills. The students have experienced activities designed to build trust and develop respect.
  • First aid, road safety and fire safety workshops - The safety workshops prompt the students to take responsibility for their own and others safety and to make a pledge to contribute positively to their own community.

We are hopeful that the experiences, skills and growth gained will serve as a solid foundation for these young people as they journey into adulthood. We trust that they will carry forward the lessons of personal development and safety applying them not only in their own lives but also contributing positively to the communities they become a part of.

Watch a short video of what the young people will experience on IGNITE.

Update your cookie preferences to view the video.

Referral process

We are a small team, but when we come to your local area your educational setting will be offered an opportunity to refer young people. Once the referrals are received, all appropriate parental permissions sorted and Service Level Agreement signed, the coordinator will be in touch to arrange a pre-meet with each individual YP to build rapport and give the YP a short taster session of what to expect.

We will then provide a Pass Out at the end of the course that parents/carers and teachers will be invited to, and this is where the YP will demonstrate the new skills they have learnt.

Evaluation is a crucial part of keeping our service free at the point of contact. We have to prove that what we do has an impact. Therefore, collecting evaluations from YP, partners and instructors is an absolute must! So please, if you are a YP or partner, please be willing to fill out our evaluations when asked and return in a speedy manner.

Please follow us on our social media platforms to get the most recent and up to date information.

Follow us on social media:

If you require any further information, please contact the IGNITE coordinator, Lauren Ellis at or


Our friendly Targeted Education Team is offering a course called EVOLVE, over a five day period, which is delivered out of your local fire station.

We have availability for a group of 12 young people in year 6 who are about to go through transition and are considered the ‘invisible middle’. They may have low self-esteem and/or low self-confidence. These young people may struggle with learning but are willingand motivated to learn and may have extreme shyness or high anxiety.

It's aim is to deliver an intervention which develops children and young people’s protective factors by explicitly teaching a curriculum of social and emotional learning with adaptations to meet the needs of cohorts and partners.

Selected protective factors include:

  • personal resilience
  • physical health
  • positive wellbeing
  • healthy relationships
  • stronger communities
  • aspirations.

The objective is to deliver a programme which makes use of practical firefighting skills and safety education as an engaging and memorable tool for working with Children and young people, but clearly prioritising the focus of personal development as the primary learning outcome.

It's a programme to be delivered with positive role models in an interactive way which meets a multitude of learning needs and creates an effective learning environment.

Some of the exercises and activities the students may undertake during EVOLVE:

  • Hose running and numbering off parades - This drill is designed to give the students the experience of being part of a team working towards a common goal. In this case: a simulated exercise where the students work together to put a fire out and keep their community safe!
  • Breathing apparatus and ladder exercises - The students experience appropriate challenges which enables them to explore and develop their personal resilience. These exercises are designed to ensure the students build confidence by pushing themselves out their comfort zones and potentially face their fears.
  • Communication and team building activities - The students get involved in several challenges to encourage and develop communication and teamwork skills. The students have experienced activities designed to build trust and develop respect.
  • First aid, road safety and fire safety workshops - The safety workshops prompt the students to take responsibility for their own and others safety and to make a pledge to contribute positively to their own community.

We are hopeful that the experiences, skills and growth gained will serve as a solid foundation for these young people as they journey into adulthood. We trust that they will carry forward the lessons of personal development and safety applying them not only in their own lives but also contributing positively to the communities they become a part of.

Watch a short video of what the young people will experience on EVOLVE.

Update your cookie preferences to view the video.

Referral process

We are a small team, but when we come to your local area your educational setting will be offered an opportunity to refer young people. Once the referrals are received, all appropriate parental permissions sorted and Service Level Agreement signed, the coordinator will be in touch to arrange a pre-meet with each individual YP to build rapport and give the YP a short taster session of what to expect.

We will then provide a Pass Out at the end of the course that parents/carers and teachers will be invited to, and this is where the YP will demonstrate the new skills they have learnt.

Evaluation is a crucial part of keeping our service free at the point of contact. We have to prove that what we do has an impact. Therefore, collecting evaluations from YP, partners and instructors is an absolute must! So please, if you are a YP or partner, please be willing to fill out our evaluations when asked and return in a speedy manner.

Please follow us on our social media platforms to get the most recent and up to date information.

Follow us on social media:

If you require any further information, please contact the EVOLVE coordinator, Lauren Ellis at or

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Last updated:
24 June 2024
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