I’m a professional requesting a service for a child

Request support for a child or teenager or worried they might be in danger or at risk of harm?

Whether you work in the statutory, private, voluntary or independent sector and come into contact with children and young people who reside in West Sussex, you have an important role to play in keeping them safe. This includes volunteers providing support and services to children.

If you think a child is in immediate danger, phone 999.

To request support for a child (including Early Help and children with disabilities) or raise concerns about a child you should contact the Integrated Front Door (IFD) using the IFD Children's Portal.

If you think a child is at risk of significant harm, call the IFD directly on 01403 229900 before completing the IFD Portal Form.

For out of hours or bank holiday emergencies, contact the Emergency Duty Team on 033 022 26664.

The Continuum of Need

The West Sussex Continuum of Need has been produced as a tool to assist practitioners working with children and young people.

This tool helps practitioners identify a child’s level of need and consider whether additional support is required to help them achieve their potential and keep them safe. It is used by all agencies and teams, including the IFD. It also provides a common language and approach that will enable practitioners to work together effectively and consistently.

The Continuum of Need cannot replace professional judgement. It is not a checklist or an assessment of need.

All agencies, schools and settings working with children and their families should use the tool to inform decision-making and support conversations with other professionals.

View the Continuum of need (external link)

Requesting information about a child

To make a statutory information request, or request information about a child you are working with, ensure you have the appropriate consent or legal authority. You can then email: IFDinfochecks@westsussex.gov.uk.

Any referrals sent regarding children, to adult services, using the parents details, will be declined and returned to you to complete the appropriate referral to children services using the Children's Portal system.

If you are reporting a neo-natal concern, please use the name 'Unborn (Mother’s surname)' and either age 0 or estimated due date.

Last updated:
24 June 2024
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