I'm a child or young person

How to get help for yourself or someone you know.

If you're a child or young person worried about yourself, a friend or someone you know, get in touch by phone Monday to Friday between 9.00am-5.00pm on 01403 229900.

Alternatively, you can contact us online using the IFD Children's Portal.

For out of hours enquiries, including weekends and bank holidays, contact our Emergency Duty Team on 033 022 26664.

You don't have to leave your name if you don’t want to.

What will happen after you talk to us?

We work with lots of people who may be able to support you. Together, we will talk through the best way to help.

If you are worried about contacting us

It's normal to feel worried, but we're here to help. We will always listen to you and take what you have to say seriously.

If you don't feel able to contact us yourself, talk to an adult you trust such as a teacher and they can report your concern for you.

Alternatively, you can contact:



Emotional wellbeing

Whether you want to understand more about how you're feeling and find ways to feel better, or you want to support someone who's struggling, find tools to look after your mental health, and advice and information on what to do if you are struggling with how you are feeling, see Young Minds.

You can also request support via The West Sussex Single Point of Access (SPoA). The SPoA is a dedicated service which provides a simplified single route to access specialist emotional wellbeing and mental health support.

The SPoA helps direct you to the right service, eliminating the need to refer to multiple services. You can make a referral or contact SPoA by phone on 0300 304 0462.


If you are struggling with bullying, harassment, cyberbullying or anti-social behaviour issues, find help to identify solutions and remedies along with practical help through the National Bullying Helpline.

Last updated:
24 June 2024
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