I'm a member of the public or relative

How members of the public or relatives can report a concern about a child or young person.

The Integrated Front Door (IFD) is the first point of contact for relatives and members of the public to request support from Early Help and Children’s Social Care in relation to a child, as well as sharing concerns which relate to a child’s safety or well-being.

If a child or young person is in immediate danger, call 999.

To request support, including for children with disabilities, or are worried about the safety or wellbeing of a child, call the IFD Monday-Friday, 9.00am-5.00pm on 01403 229900.

If you would prefer you can also complete our online IFD Children's Portal.

For out of hours or bank holidays, call the Emergency Duty Team on 033 022 26664.

You can contact us anonymously if you prefer. We will not disclose your details unless you agree for us to do so, but it is often helpful to have your contact details to allow us to clarify any information you have provided.

Child exploitation

There are different types of exploitation that can be displayed differently by different children, however if you notice changes in your child’s patterns of behaviour or wellbeing it is important to be curious about those changes. Has your child has been spending time with new friends who spend time in places that your child has never gone to before? If so it will be important to get a better understanding of what has happened for them make that change.

If you have concerns that your child, or a child you know is experiencing harm outside of the home and could be vulnerable to exploitation, Parents Against Child Exploitation (PACE) is a charity works with parents to help them recognise indicators of exploitation and support them to reduce the risk to their child or children. See the PACE website.

Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Find information about local services, support and events for children and young people aged 0 - 25 years who have special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) through with the West Sussex Local Offer.

Advice for separated parents

If you require advice and support regarding contact and living arrangements or are concerned that your child is not safe with your ex-partner, visit our advice for separated parents page.

Family Information Service

The Family Information Service (FIS) offers free, up-to-date information to all families on services including childcare, food banks and cost living support, as well as family activities and groups in your local area.

Find details of your local Family Hub including location, opening hours and access.

Last updated:
14 August 2024
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