When to use the portal

Dates for submitting data and funding claims via the portal.

The online provider portal is available for early years and childcare providers to submit data and funding claims.

The following tasks are for all providers, and are always open on the portal:

Free entitlement providers

The following tasks are for free entitlement providers only. Refer to the relevant task to find out submission dates, and payment dates, if applicable. You can only submit data and claims when the portal is open. We remind you of these dates via our Setting Update broadcast emails – if you don’t receive these, or you miss a submission, email us.

Estimate (termly, optional)

  • Autumn 2024 - Portal open 19 June to 5 July 2024. Payment expected week commencing 15 July 2024.

See Free entitlement estimate and actuals for more estimates information and help guides.

Actuals (termly)

This includes Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) and Disability Access Fund (DAF).

  • Autumn 2024 - Portal open 2 September to 27 September 2024. Headcount day 19 September 2024. Payment expected week commencing 21 October 2024.

See Free entitlement estimate and actuals for more actuals information and help guides.

Early Years Census (annual)

  • 2025 - Date TBC.

See Annual early years census for more information and help guides.

Provider declaration (annual)

  • 2025 - Date TBC. Mandatory for existing free entitlement providers to continue in the scheme.

See Annual free entitlement provider declaration more information and help guides.

Extended free entitlement (30-hr) ad hoc eligibility check

An instant check of eligibility for extended free entitlement is always available via the portal.

See Extended free entitlement (30-hour) ad hoc eligibility check for more information and help guides.

Last updated:
17 July 2024
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