West Sussex Life

West Sussex Life is a statistical report providing a range of information about West Sussex. It is a statistical snapshot of life in our county for all who live, work and visit here.

In an age where we all have access to more information and data than we have ever had before, these reports bring together the very best of it. They shine a light on what life is like for our communities now, and what it will be like for our county in the future based on current trends and predictions.

Created by our Performance & Insight team, West Sussex Life covers issues such as:

  • the economic growth of our county
  • educational attainment among our young residents
  • how our use of technology has changed
  • the levels of deprivation and poverty faced by some of our towns and villages.

It is a real time analysis on the social, economic and demographic characteristics of our county. This is because it uses a combination of our own County Council information as well as data from external sources, such as the Office for National Statistics.

Below you will find an online suite of interactive dashboard reports based on broad subject headings for issues affecting those who live and work in West Sussex.

Select the links below to view each chapter:

We value your feedback for improvements we can make to this information. If you require the information in an alternative format, please contact us.

Last updated:
18 November 2024
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