Our modern slavery pledge and policy

Find out our aims to combat modern slavery in West Sussex.

As leaders in West Sussex we commit to doing everything in our power to make our county free of modern slavery.

We will work proactively with national and local government, law enforcement agencies, business, the community and voluntary sector, faith bodies and our local communities to:

  • demonstrate strong leadership for anti-slavery initiatives
  • raise awareness amongst our staff, associates and the people we service on a daily basis
  • train our staff to recognise and respond appropriately to potential signs of slavery
  • share intelligence and information to help detect slavery and ensure it cannot take root
  • support victims and survivors in our communities
  • ensure potential exploitation does not exist within the council's operations or within its supply chain
  • contribute to building a prosperous and slavery-free economy.

In this way West Sussex stands in support of the United Nations Global Sustainable Goal 8.7. This means we will take immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labour, end modern slavery and human trafficking and secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labour by 2030.

Last updated:
24 June 2024
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