Potholes and claims data

Find information about pothole data for West Sussex.

1 Overview

The information on these pages relates to frequently asked questions and data requests we receive each year.

Please check the data provided before submitting a highways related enquiry or Freedom of Information (FOI) request.

You can also find other pothole-related information.

2 Requests and repairs

See the documents below for pothole data relating to requests and repairs.

Reported potholes and repairs undertaken (PDF, 94KB)

3 Claims

The document below includes:

  • pothole claims for vehicle damage
  • personal injury claims
Pothole claims data (PDF, 213KB)

Data to be updated every 6 months.

4 Inspections

West Sussex County Council (WSCC) has a statutory duty under the Highways Act 1980 to maintain the highway network, ensuring that the highways are safe and the public can use them without obstruction.

The County Council looks after approximately 4,025km of carriageway.

The total road length by road type and local authority in Great Britain is published annually (GOV.UK).

Our Highway inspection manual includes information on:

  • carriageway hierarchy
  • investigatory levels
  • inspection frequencies
  • repair times.
WSCC Highway inspection manual (PDF, 619KB)

5 Budgets and statistics

The budget and statistics document includes a range of data on pothole and annual highways expenditure.

Budget and statistics (PDF, 59KB)

The Decision database shows the key decisions that are published each year.

Decision database (external link)

Road condition statistics provide information on the condition of local authority roads, motorways and trunk roads in England and are available on GOV.UK.

Last updated:
29 November 2024
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  • West Sussex County Council will only use this email address to respond to any issues raised.