Arun Growth Deal

Delivering new homes and jobs in Bognor Regis, Littlehampton and across the Arun District.

1 Overview

The Arun Growth Deal was signed in 2018 as a joint, five-year commitment between Arun District Council (ADC) and West Sussex County Council (WSCC).

The councils work together to decide priorities for the area and pool resources to deliver sustainable economic growth in the area. The deal supports opportunities for new homes, infrastructure and employment.

Arun District offers a significant economic growth opportunity for coastal West Sussex.

Following a successful Levelling Up Fund (LUF) bid in October 2021, ADC was awarded £19.4m to improve public realm (public spaces including pedestrianised areas and pavements) and infrastructure in Bognor Regis and Littlehampton.

Projects in the Deal centre around the routes from railway station to seafront in both Bognor Regis and Littlehampton, with public realm improvements a priority, and a focus on culture strategy and the tourism offer, to encourage visitors and investment into the area.

Find out more about the Arun Growth Deal (PDF, 998KB)

2 Bognor Regis priorities

The Growth Programme outlines improving public realm and infrastructure in Bognor Regis as a priority. Bognor Regis public realm includes enhancing the link from the railway station through the town centre and down to the seafront by improving lighting, paving and planting.

Alexandra Theatre

WSCC are supporting ADC to develop their plans for the Alexandra Theatre. The redevelopment of the theatre is a focal point in the holistic culture-led vision for Bognor Regis. The theatre acts as a catalyst for wider investment in the area including the Bognor Regis esplanade scheme led by WSCC and the Place St Maur scheme.

Combined with significant investment of £12.2m from the successful LUF bid, ADC are contributing a further £3m to develop the theatre into the cultural centre of the district.

These plans include increasing seating to 386 seats, improving its look and feel, improving the building’s energy efficiency, adding up to 2,700sqm of additional arts/cultural floor space and five new studios to provide a space for local community groups to prosper. Find the latest information on this new development.

Place St Maur

The works to Place St Maur, adjacent to The Alexandra Theatre, are an example of these improvements. Coast to Capital have supported this project with £1.2m from the Government’s ‘Getting Building Fund’ aimed at improving the space. Works on the site completed last year and partners are developing plans for other projects in the area.

Bognor Regis Esplanade Public Realm Improvements scheme

The Bognor Regis Esplanade Public Realm Improvements scheme (BREPRI), funded by WSCC, will complement the Levelling Up Fund (LUF) funding.

This scheme will continue to:

  • enhance the place-making of the esplanade and the area in front of Place St Maur and Alexandra Theatre
  • improve highway crossing points between the beach and town, creating a more accessible and connected community space
  • improve connectivity between the esplanade, the current Place St Maur improvement scheme, the planned renovation of the Alexander Theatre, Bognor Regis arcade and the seafront - all to enhance the experience for visitors.

On 23 May 2024, WSCC published a Key Decision approving detailed design and the commencement of the procurement process, and allocating £1.369 million of capital funds to the project's delivery.

The project commenced construction on Monday 4 November 2024 and is expected to complete in early April 2025. Find more information including weekly updates and FAQs.

Enterprise Bognor Regis

There are plans for a business park to the north of Bognor Regis. This will provide space for new businesses and will also allow existing businesses room to grow or space for relocation. Find further information on

Brownfield Land Release Fund projects

As part of the One Public Estate programme, funding has been granted for the demolition of Bartons Infants School, Bersted, and enabling works to Bognor Regis arcade to prepare it for future refurbishment.

The funding comes from the Brownfield Land Release Fund which is a cross-government initiative to provide financial support to district and boroughs to prepare derelict sites for development. This is often in the form of demolition of the existing building, decontamination and enabling works.

With regards to Bartons Infants School and Bognor Regis arcade, following site preparation, partners propose to provide affordable housing on both sites.

3 Littlehampton priorities

The Growth Deal outlines a focus on town centre and seafront regeneration in order to encourage tourism, investment and employment in Littlehampton.

WSCC and ADC are working together with partners to improve the route between the station and town centre and to uplift the riverside and seafront areas.

Littlehampton Town Centre Public Realm Improvements

The Littlehampton Town Centre Public Realm Improvements scheme (LHPRI) is one of Arun Growth Programme’s largest schemes. The project started in January 2022 and the first three phases were completed in October 2023.

Phase one has delivered public realm improvements to Terminus Road, from Littlehampton Railway Station to the High Street via Arundel Road, which was partly funded by WSCC. Find information on all the phases.

Littlehampton Seafront Design Scheme

Alongside the LHPRI scheme, is the Littlehampton Seafront Design Scheme which seeks to attract and improve visitor experience. £7.2m from the LUF bid has been outlined to redesign the main car park, improve public realm and facilities and create event space. The scheme is currently being designed with a focus on the area west of, and including Banjo Road. Find further information about the scheme.

Littlehampton to Arundel cycleway

A new cycleway connecting Littlehampton and Arundel is being considered. This would give a sustainable transport route between the towns. It would be a new, healthy way for residents and visitors to enjoy the beautiful West Sussex countryside.

4 Strategic growth

The projects are complemented by several highways projects to support economic growth. This priority focuses on delivering key infrastructure projects across the district to support local strategic development sites:

  • Local Plan Delivery - WSCC, ADC and Coast2Capital (Local Enterprise Partnership) working together to upgrade the transport network. This will support the delivery of new homes and business sites.
  • A284/Lyminster Road - Supporting the delivery of new homes through the construction of a new bypass.
  • A259 Littlehampton improvements - Upgrading single lanes to dual carriageway with foot and cycle paths.
  • A29 realignment - Highway improvements via realignment of the road. This will connect strategic sites.
  • A27 Arundel bypass - WSCC and ADC are working with National Highways to develop options to improve the currently oversubscribed route.
Last updated:
4 November 2024
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