A27 Arundel bypass

Details of National Highways' project to replace single carriageway road at Arundel with a dual bypass to the south.

In 2020, National Highways (formerly Highways England) announced the preferred route for the A27 Arundel bypass. The project was to replace the existing single carriageway road with a dual carriageway bypass, linking together the two existing dual carriageway sections of the road.

Public consultation on the draft proposal was undertaken by National Highways in early and late 2022; the county council’s formal responses were as follows.

In March 2023, the Transport Secretary announced that the A27 Arundel bypass faced a range of challenges, including environmental considerations and ongoing design changes and so the scheme would be developed in Roads Investment Strategy 3 (covering 2025 to 2030) to allow time to ensure stakeholders’ views were fully considered. Accordingly, work on the scheme was paused while National Highways considered the potential implications of the Government’s announcement and set out the next steps in the development of the scheme.

On 29 July 2024, the Chancellor of the Exchequer announced to the House of Commons that the A27 Arundel bypass would not be taken forward. On 21 August 2024, National Highways informed the county council that the Department of Transport had confirmed that the A27 Arundel bypass scheme would not proceed and that, as a consequence, National Highways had formally withdrawn the scheme for development.

For more information, please visit the National Highways’ website.

Last updated:
16 December 2024
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