Electoral process

Find out about the process for local and national elections.

District and borough councils administer all elections, whether they are:

  • parliamentary
  • county
  • borough
  • district
  • parish.

District and borough council elections

These are usually held either every four years or every three out of four years. Details can be found on the relevant district or borough council website.

County Council elections

These are held every fourth year. The next County Council elections will be held in May 2025.

They decide the 70 county councillors who will each represent an electoral division in West Sussex.


These can be held at any time between scheduled elections, usually when a county councillor resigns or dies.

Parliamentary elections

There are 9 Members of Parliament representing constituencies in West Sussex.

Alert me: Sign up to receive County Council election email alerts.

Last updated:
12 August 2024
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