1 What the LDPB does
The Learning Disability Partnership Board (LDPB) is made up of people with learning disabilities, carers and people from health and community services.
The LDPB works to improve the lives of people with learning disabilities and their families in West Sussex. It works for and with people with learning disabilities as equal partners and in many ways its work is led by them.
Much of its work concerns the lives of adults, but it also works to improve life chances for young people and adults in the future.
2 Minutes and Workplan
June 2023
May 2023
February 2023
December 2022
September 2022
July 2022
May 2022
February 2022
You can ask for copies of older minutes or for film of online meetings by emailing: LDCommissioning@westsussex.gov.uk.
3 Meeting dates and locations
Wednesday 20 September 2023
- Time: 10.30am - 12.30pm
- Location: County Hall North (Parkside), Horsham
Thursday 30 November 2023
- Time: 10.30am - 12.30pm
- Location: County Hall North (Parkside), Horsham
4 Find out more
Use the details below if you need to get in touch.
You can also find information and advice for people with a learning disability on West Sussex Connect to Support and on Local Offer for people aged 0-25 years.