Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education
Information about SACRE and access to agendas and minutes.
Learning Disability Partnership Board (LDPB)
Information about the Learning Disability Partnership Board and access to minutes and presentations.
West Sussex Health and Wellbeing Board
Information about the Board and access to meeting dates, locations, agendas and minutes.
Autism Partnership Board (APB)
Information about the board and access to meeting dates, locations and minutes.
Schools Forum
Find meetings dates, agendas, minutes and papers for the Schools Forum.
Sussex Police and Crime Panel
Sussex PCP information, such as meeting dates and minutes, and how to make a complaint about Sussex Police or the Crime Commissioner.
ACCESS Joint Committee
Information about the Committee, and access to agendas and minutes.
Sussex Resilience Forum
West Sussex County Council and West Sussex Fire & Rescue Service are members of the Sussex Resilience Forum, the local resilience forum for Sussex.
Outside bodies
See the outside bodies to which the county council appoints representatives.