Strategies to support
As with all needs, strategies will be specific to the individual. It is important to determine if the child or young person is under the care of health professionals and if so, work with parent carers to gain up to date assessment information. This may include:
- Working with other professionals and parent carers to share strategies and advice to support the child or young person
- Considering the adaptations needed to ensure that the child or young person is able to access learning with their peers as much as possible
- Using adapted equipment to facilitate access to specific activities throughout the school day. e.g. cutlery, crockery, scissors
- Supporting transitions, ensuring there is a detailed handover with the child or young person’s previous teacher to have a clear understanding of strengths, coping strategies and needs. Include consideration for their broader development and emotional well-being, such as opportunities to develop confidence and friendships
- Ensuring that transition arrangements have been put into place prior to the child or young person’s entry to class. This would include ensuring that the necessary adaptations are in place
- Ensuring that appropriate accessibility plans, risk assessments and emergency plans are in place. e.g. personal emergency evacuation plan.
- Undertaking appropriate care training and use of the school’s hygiene suites. This might include support for health and hygiene care needs such as medication, diet, toileting. This will often involve support and training from specialist practitioners for staff. Staff working with the child or young person should have access to on-going support and supervision
- Procuring and know how to use / maintain operated life skills and curriculum equipment
- Developing a reintegration plan to address learning gaps for absence from school due to medical needs
- Promoting regular home school contact when / if the child or young person is not in school to maintain ‘sense of belonging’ with peers and school community
- Providing access to specific equipment to access the curriculum including recording approaches
- Providing supervision in potentially hazardous situations e.g. swimming, using P.E. and science apparatus, cooking or at specific times in the school day, e.g. break time, dressing, steps, stairs, clubs and trips
- Managing Individual Health Plans by a named member of staff.
- If appropriate, providing training in moving and manual handling. This may include appropriate use of equipment such as walking frames and hoists
- Arranging for any necessary environment adaptations
- Providing support with transport arrangements – this should include access to after school clubs
- Ensuring that relevant staff have accessed bereavement training and policies.