Special Needs Officer (SNO) training
Bespoke training including online annual reviews, EHNCA and SEND funding modules.
The SNOs offer a range of bespoke training which include online and face to face courses.
Once you have viewed a course, please let us know what you think by emailing your completed evaluation form to your area SNO.
SEND funding
This training course includes information on all aspects of funding for pupils with SEND. This includes the notional SEND budget, individually assigned resources, personal supplements and personal budgets.
Learning outcomes
- Understand all relevant aspects of SEND funding.
- Be able to confidently create and submit a detailed Provision Map.
- Know how and when to apply for a personal budget, where appropriate.
- Be able to submit appropriate requests for additional funding, where necessary.
Requesting an Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment (EHCNA)
A training session providing information on what to consider before making a request, information needed to submit a request, how to submit your request and finally what happens next.
Learning outcomes
- Understand what an EHCNA is and when an application should be made.
- Know what information to include in the ECHNA application and why this information is needed.
- Know what steps should be taken prior to submitting an ECHNA as part of the graduated approach.
- Be confident in completing and submitting the required forms and evidence for an EHCNA. This includes pupil voice and provision maps.
- Have an understanding of what happens once an EHCNA has been submitted.
Education Health and Care Plans (EHCP)
Learning outcomes
- Understand the purpose of an EHCP.
- Have an overview of the EHCNA process.
- Understand the content of an EHCP document.
- Have an overview of the processes around maintaining the EHCP and what school responsibilities are.
- Know who to contact within SENAT regarding queries relating to EHCPs.
Annual Reviews
This course is a helpful guide for SENCOs to clarify the requirements before, during and after the meeting, including useful links and relevant SENAT contact details.
It suggests strategies to ensure the process remains inclusive and person-centred.
Learning outcomes
- Have an overview of the Annual Review process.
- Feel more confident to hold an Annual Review.
- Know who to contact for support regarding Annual Reviews.
EHCPs: Setting outcomes and implementing provision
Learning outcomes
- Understand how to write SMART outcomes in an EHCP for the long, medium and short term.
Person-centred approach
Learning outcomes
- Understand the features of person-centred processes in relation to Annual Reviews.
- Understand why a person-centred approach is used in Annual Reviews.
- Know how and when to collect children and young peoples’ views, using person-centred approaches.
- Recognise what good examples of person-centred approaches look like and when it is appropriate to use them in Annual Reviews.
- Know how to incorporate person-centred approaches in Annual Reviews.
Further information
For further information on training, schools can email their area SNO:
- North / Mid - Sam Kennedy, Elektra Robinson, Kim Heden
- South / West - Claire Fowler, Sam Mainwaring, Vicki Fackler
- SEN Post-16 Officer - Paul Morrison
- Preparation for Adulthood - Jennie May