Support for 3-4 year-olds

Guidance for professionals on support for 3-4 year-olds.

1 Overview

The Early Help service's progressive 'universal' offer is developed on the West Sussex Continuum of Need and the Healthy Child Programme's four levels of service. This means some services are open to all children and families, while other elements of the offer are more targeted and specialist.

The universal offer is available to all children, young people and families in addition to any targeted or specialist support that they may be receiving at levels 2 and/or 3.

If you require further information, please contact your local Early Help hub.

2 Level 1 (universal services)

Level 1 universal services are available to all children, young people and families.

For 3-4 year-olds, they include:

  • access to healthy child clinics
  • the offer of a termly conversation for each early years setting
  • a pre-school review
  • support to access free early education entitlement for children aged 3 and 4 years 
  • support from early years and childcare advisors for early years settings. Also for transition support for children moving into school by running events for pre-school settings and schools.

3 Level 2

Level 2 services are available on a needs basis in addition to the level 1 universal offer.

For 3-4 year-olds, they include:

  • referrals to other agencies/specialist services
  • advice or support on an identified health need such as emotional health, sleeping, minor illness/accident prevention or behaviour (6-8 sessions, either 1-1 or in a small group)
  • support from the Healthy Futures team for vulnerable children, young people and families with complex child development, health, emotional, and social needs
  • follow up support from attendance at A&E, minor injuries or urgent treatment centres
  • parenting support programmes, either 1-1 or in a group
  • targeted setting support from early years and childcare advisors, who will identify the needs of all children and review whether inclusion funding for individual children is needed.

4 Level 3

Level 3 services are available on a needs basis in addition to the universal and level 2 offer.

For 3-4 year-olds they include:

  • advice or support on an identified health need such as sleeping, eating, continence, minor illness/accident prevention or behaviour (6-8 sessions, either 1-1 or in a small group)
  • targeted setting support from early years and childcare advisors, who will identify the needs of all children and review whether inclusion funding for individual children is needed.

5 Level 4

Level 4 services are delivered in addition to the universal and levels 2 and 3 service offer as part of a 'specialist delivery' offer.

For 3-4 year-olds they include:

  • targeted setting support from early years and childcare advisors for settings that have children who are looked after
  • health support for children and young people who are subject to a child protection plan
  • enhanced Healthy Child Programme services to all children who are looked after
  • 1-1 support or intervention with a child, young person or family where there is an identified health and safeguarding need, such as a child protection plan, child and family plan, Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC), Missing and Child Sexual Exploitation (MaCSE) involvement, or the child or young person is looked after.

6 Referrals

GPs can access help and support for children and young people by making a direct referral. Please use the relevant form provided on the section linked below.

Information for GPs

NHS West Sussex Partnership Single Point of Access (ages 4-18)

The West Sussex Single Point of Access (SPoA) is a dedicated service which provides a simplified single route to access specialist emotional wellbeing and mental health support. The SPoA helps direct you to the right service, eliminating the need to refer to multiple services.

Led by Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, the service is delivered in partnership with West Sussex County Council's Youth Emotional Support Service (YES) and YMCA Dialogue.

e-wellbeing is the digital front door for West Sussex SPoA. Visit the e-wellbeing website for the online referral form and more information.

If you are unable to complete the online referral form or have any questions about a referral, please email or phone 030 030 40462.

Last updated:
17 July 2024
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