Travelwise campaign

Find out what the Travelwise campaign is all about and how you can do your bit to travel more sustainably.

Travelwise is a national campaign that encourages people to cut down on their car journeys and use sustainable transport.

In West Sussex we aim to make other modes of transport, such as cycling, walking, public transport, motorcycling and car sharing, a real alternative to the car.

At the heart of Travelwise is the belief that individuals can make small lifestyle changes that collectively make a difference; that everyone can be part of the solution and not the problem.

Travelwise tips

Here is our advice on how to live a healthy, wealthy and Travelwise lifestyle. There are a number of things that individuals, parents, pupils and employers can do to help reduce traffic congestion and pollution, improve their health and reduce their travel costs. Why not try-out our helpful tips and see what a big difference a little change can make!


  • Visit the West Sussex Car Share website to find a partner with whom to share your journey to work or the railway station. The website is completely free to use and could reduce your travel costs by at least 50%.
  • Try walking, cycling, car sharing or using public transport instead of using the car for some journeys. For commuters, doing this just once a week could reduce travel costs and the carbon footprint of your journeys by up to 20%.
  • Find out how to travel wisely and safely on our road safety pages.

Parents and pupils

  • Take a healthy walk or cycle together instead of going to school in the car.
  • Car share with other parents and pupils.
  • Find out whether your school has a school travel plan, or is taking part in any of our Travelwise initiatives, such as the Pedometer Challenge or Walk on Wednesdays.


  • Run a prize draw for everyone using sustainable transport on a given day, week or month. You could even make it a regular feature.
  • Make a donation to a charity, such as Asthma UK, for every 'green and clean' mile travelled by your employees.
  • Encourage staff to join our car sharing website. Employers can also purchase a private group on the site.
  • Use our downloadable posters to promote the Travelwise message to employees and visitors.
  • Buy a couple of pool bikes for staff to use on local business journeys instead of the car.
  • Join the MODESHIFT travel planning network.
  • Visit the business Travelwise pages to find out how West Sussex County Council can help you develop a travel plan for your organisation.
Last updated:
24 June 2024
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