Plan your journey
Bus routes and timetables
Information to help you plan your journey by bus.
Bus operators and fares
Visit bus operator websites for information about their services, including timetables, tickets and contact details.
Find a bus stop or next buses
Find your local bus stop and next bus using our interactive map.
Bus Service Improvement Plan
Our aims and objectives for improving bus travel in West Sussex.
Bus passes and discounts
Free older person's bus pass
Apply for, renew or replace a bus pass offering free travel for those of State Pension age.
Free disabled person's bus pass
Apply for, renew or replace a free bus pass for disabled people.
Discounts on bus and coach travel
Find out about discounts and concessions available on bus fares.
Bus it
Keep up-to-date on the latest news, offers and improvements to your local bus services.
Travel assistance
Bus stops and shelters
Who is responsible for them, how to report an issue with one and when they may be moved, suspended, temporarily relocated or removed.
Helping Hand assistance card
Get extra assistance on buses with this multi-operator card scheme.
Electronic information at bus stops
Find out when your next bus is due.
Text for bus times
Find out how to get bus times information on your mobile phone.
Bus service grants and tenders
Find information on bus grants and how to request invitations to tender for public bus services.
Bus stop audio information fob
Request a real-time information audio fob for use at bus stops in West Sussex.
Community and rural transport
Local community transport organisations, help with transport to hospital, voluntary driver information and grants for transport groups.
School and college transport
Getting help with travel to and from school, sixth form or college.