Apply for a permanent TRO

Details of how you can apply for a permanent TRO.

1 Overview

Typically, there are four types of permanent TROs that can be requested:

  1. Community TRO - These seek to address local issues on the highway and are relatively non-complex and non-contentious, for example, use of double yellow lines for junction protection or speed limits.
  2. Developer TRO - New developments often require TROs to manage the use of new or existing roads, to safely accommodate the new development and comply with planning restrictions, for example, creation of a new access.
  3. Community Highway Schemes - These are schemes, with associated TROs, that may be more complex and need to be delivered through the County Council’s Highways Improvement Programme, for example, traffic calming schemes.
  4. Controlled Parking Zones - These are comprehensive TROs that manage on-street parking across a wide area and are delivered through the County Council’s On-street Parking Management Programme.

2 Before you apply

Community TROs

You should ensure you first have the support of the wider community. This helps the County Council assess whether local people will object to the proposal when it comes to the legal stages. Objections can mean that proposals don't progress so those with initial support from the community stand the best chance of succeeding.

Take the following actions before progressing your application.

  • Contact your local County Councillor to discuss your proposal. 
  • Contact local residents/businesses in the area affected by your proposal and ask them whether they support it. Think about anyone else who would be affected, such as the town, parish, district or borough council, or the local police, and approach them for support.
  • As part of the online application, in addition to providing evidence that your County Councillor, Town/Parish/Neighbourhood Council (if you have one) and local residents, support your proposal, you will also be asked if/how you have considered its wider implications, including how it might affect anyone with a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010.

Developer TROs

If you are a developer, you should ensure that you have complied with all the requirements set out by County Council planning officers in advance of making your application for a permanent TRO.

Community Highways Schemes

Proposals that are more complicated, for example, they cover a number of roads, require engineering works or greater consultation, or would cost a great deal to implement, it will be considered as a Community Highway Scheme.

Find further information on Community Highways Schemes.

Controlled Parking Zones

Find information on how to apply for a new Controlled Parking Zone or for changes to be made to an existing scheme

All applications for a permanent TRO will be assessed against the following categories:

  • Safety - Will the TRO help address safety problems in the area?
  • People - Who will the TRO affect? Do local people support the proposal?
  • Access - How will the TRO affect people’s journeys and their ability to get to shops, schools and GP surgeries for instance?
  • Costs - Can the applicant provide additional or full funding towards the TRO costs?
  • Environment - Will the TRO encourage people to use more sustainable modes of transport.

Your application will have a better chance of being progressed if it significantly contributes to these areas.

3 Make an application

Complete the online form to request a permanent TRO. Start by indicating whether you are a developer, a resident, group or council.

Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) request (external link)

4 What happens next

All applications will have an assessment and you will be informed of the outcome. Regardless of how an application is being funded, it must comply with any relevant County Council policies (such as the Speed Management Policy) to be considered for future programming and statutory public consultation.

Successful applications will be included on a programme, where further feasibility and design work may take place. A proposal will then be subject to a three-week statutory advertisement or ‘formal public consultation’. In addition to a notice being placed in the local paper, site notices may also be erected at the location of the proposal.

Once the formal consultation period is over, a final decision on the TRO may be required by the County Council’s Assistant Director, Highways Transport and Planning. If the TRO is approved, arrangements are made for the necessary signs and road markings to be provided.

A final notice will also be advertised in a local paper stating when the TRO will come into effect. In total, it may take approximately 12 months for a TRO application to proceed to implementation.

It should be noted that the TRO process is a democratic process. This means that any proposal may be implemented in full, in part or declined by the Assistant Director due to objections or representations at the formal consultation stage. Please be aware that funding a proposal does not guarantee that it will be implemented any sooner, if at all.

Specific information on WSCC TRO policies is available on request.

Last updated:
24 June 2024
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