Change details on your Blue Badge record

Let us know about a change of name or address details.

For all requests to change your Blue Badge records you will need to write or email the Blue Badge team using the details below, following the guidance for your circumstances. See the ‘Issued by’ section on the front of your Blue Badge if you are unsure which local authority issued it to you.

Change of address details

For Blue Badges issued by West Sussex County Council

If you are have moved to another address in West Sussex and your badge was issued by West Sussex County Council (WSCC), you will need to provide:

  • a copy of a document confirming your new address, such as a Council Tax or utility bill dated within the last 12 months.

If you are moving to an address outside of West Sussex and your badge was issued by WSCC, we will contact the authority you are moving to so that we can transfer your records. You will need to provide:

  • a copy of a document confirming your identity, such as your passport or driving licence
  • details of the address you will be moving to (you do not have to provide documents for the new address).

For Blue Badges issued by another local authority

If your badge was issued by another local authority and you are moving to West Sussex, you need to contact the authority who issued your badge. They will be able to transfer your details to West Sussex. They will only transfer core information such as your personal details.

As with all renewal applications, you will need to follow the same process to apply for your next badge as a new applicant. Be aware that you may not receive a renewal reminder, so ensure that around 12 weeks before the expiry of your current badge, you apply for a new one.

Change of name

If WSCC issued your badge, to inform us of a change in your name you will need to provide:

  • a copy of the document proving your change of name, for example your marriage certificate, decree absolute, deed poll or statutory declaration
  • if you have also changed your address, include the details and proof detailed in the relevant section above.

Change of car

While it is not compulsory to advise us of a change in your vehicle, it is useful if we have correct details to assist with enforcement checks. Write or email to let us know the details of any change including the make, model and registration number of your new vehicle.

 If you require assistance, please phone our Blue Badge helpline on 01243 777653.

Last updated:
24 June 2024
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  • West Sussex County Council will only use this email address to respond to any issues raised.