Tree planting

Tree planting that we do, and what you can do yourself.

Trees are planted during the winter planting season, from November to the end of February.

We have a very limited budget for tree planting and cannot replace all trees that must be removed. Sometimes, it is also not appropriate to replace a tree if the site is unsuitable.

We maintain a list of suitable planting sites and will prioritise and plant trees in these areas, subject to our annual budget.

Planting in the grass verge of a highway

Private residents are not allowed to plant trees on the highway or carry out any other works without our agreement as Highway Authority first.

We understand many parishes would like to contribute to the tree stock on our highways and they can do this via our Donate a Tree Scheme.

Alternatively, they can apply, free of charge, for a tree licence to plant.

Before a request is made, either by Donate a Tree Scheme or tree licence to plant, it is the responsibility of the requestor to ensure where the tree is to be planted and that the surrounding residents are happy for a planting to take place. No tree should be planted where consultation has not taken place.

All the sites will be checked for suitability by the arboriculturist, who will contact the parish to discuss any issues and agree final sites.

Contributing towards the cost of planting a tree

Residents and local amenity and conservation groups can donate towards the cost of planting a tree through our Donate a Tree Scheme. We will then pay the remainder.

Sites are checked for suitability beforehand. These should:

  • be in a grass verge
  • preferably be outside the requester’s house. If not, the site must either not be in front of another property or have that property’s agreement to planting.

The requester must also agree to keep the new tree suitably supplied with water during its establishing growth stages.

If we agree to your request, we will supply and plant a suitable tree and check it annually for a period of three years as part of our Young Tree Maintenance Programme.

The nursery order for tree planting is made at the end of July and all sites must be approved before that for planting in that winter’s planting season. Any requests received later than that or not approved in time will not be planted until the next year’s planting season.

Last updated:
18 July 2024
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