Reporting problems with trees and hedges

How to report urgent and non-urgent problems with trees on a road.

You can either:

In an emergency

Please phone us on 01243 642105 to report a safety issue that requires an immediate response

If, for example a tree falls and blocks the highway, our contractors will clear the blockage as soon as possible. Sometimes, this means clearing the highway and leaving the debris to one side for collection at a later date. During extremely bad weather this can mean that debris is left for some time due to the volume of work, but sites will be cleared when we can.

If the fallen tree is privately owned, it is the owner’s responsibility to remove the clearance remains and debris once our contractors have dealt with the obstruction.

Less urgent requests

For non-urgent requests, report the problem online. One of our Highway Stewards will follow this up with an initial inspection to:

  • establish if the tree/s are located within the publicly maintained highway
  • make an initial assessment of the reported concern.

If the steward thinks there is a problem that requires an expert assessment, they will refer the matter to one of our qualified arboriculturists and update you of their actions.

Following a further inspection, the arboriculturist will raise tree surgery works, if necessary. The arboriculturist will provide a further update if requested.

Last updated:
24 June 2024
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