Put your questions to the West Sussex Health and Wellbeing Board at upcoming meeting

The meeting will take place on Thursday 20 July from 10.30am at County Hall in Chichester.


Release date: 14 July 2023

Members of the public will have the chance to put their questions to the West Sussex Health and Wellbeing Board at its next meeting.

Questions can be asked in person or by submitting them prior to the meeting, which will take place on Thursday 20 July from 10.30am at County Hall in Chichester.

Anyone who wishes to submit a question about health services in West Sussex should contact Erica Keegan, Democratic Services Officer, on 033 022 26050 or via email at erica.keegan@westsussex.gov.uk

The Health and Wellbeing Board brings together elected councillors and key systems leaders from West Sussex’s health and social care system. It aims to improve the health and wellbeing of our residents, reduce the gap in health inequalities, and promote joined up working across the health and social care system to ensure better quality services for all.

This includes the county council, district and borough councils, the NHS, acute, community and mental health trusts, and the voluntary and community sector.

The Director of Public Health for West Sussex, Alison Challenger, will provide a verbal update on current public health matters during the meeting.

The meeting will also include a discussion regarding the West Sussex Health and Wellbeing Board’s key role within the Sussex Integrated Care System (ICS), and the opportunities this presents to further strengthen partnership working with key systems leaders across the local health and care system. It will also outline the proposed approach to development of the Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy to be published in 2024.

The public are welcome to attend the meeting in person or watch virtually via a live webcast which is broadcast on the county council’s website.

The full agenda is available on the West Sussex Health and Wellbeing Board page on the West Sussex County Council website, from where you will also be able to watch the live webcast.

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