Our Digital Strategy sets out a connected and innovative future for West Sussex

Our Digital Strategy has launched


Release date: 22 January 2025

West Sussex County Council has launched its Digital Strategy, which sets out a clear vision for the use of digital technology to create a more connected and inclusive future for West Sussex residents, businesses, and communities.

The Digital Strategy is the foundation for a single, Council-wide digital approach, improving access to Council services and ensuring residents, staff, service users and partners are equipped, enabled, and supported to connect digitally.  It sits within the context of the Council Plan (2021-2025) and aligns with the priorities of the council by keeping people safe from vulnerable situations, working towards a sustainable and prosperous economy, helping people and communities to fulfil their potential and making the best use of resources.

The strategy reflects feedback from residents, businesses, and local partners to ensure it meets the needs of our communities.

Key highlights include:

  • Enhanced Access: Ensuring council services can be accessed quickly, easily, and conveniently, when and where they are needed.
  • More Choice: Offering different ways to interact with the Council and find information. Traditional contact routes will remain in place, but we’re adding new digital options for those who prefer them, ensuring everyone can reach us in the way that suits them best.
  • Digital Safety and Inclusion: Promoting safe and secure use of technology whilst encouraging the development of digital skills across the county, helping everyone in our communities feel confident using technology and ensuring it is open to everyone.
  • Sustainability and Innovation: Exploring how technology can help protect our environment and support innovation across West Sussex.

The strategy outlines specific actions and practical steps to achieve these goals and is underpinned by an action plan which will deliver the strategy outcomes. It includes clear commitments to improving accessibility, enhancing digital infrastructure, providing training opportunities, and offering digital support for those who need it. Over the next two years, we’ll be introducing new ways for you to connect with us. This won’t affect the quality of our services – we’ll continue to provide essential support to safeguard residents.

Steve Waight, Cabinet Member for Support Services and Economic Development, said: “This Digital Strategy is about making life better for everyone in West Sussex. People are at the heart of this strategy, and we want to make it easier for residents to contact us and use our services with help from digital technology.

We also know that not everyone will want, have access to, or be able to, use digital technology. This strategy makes a commitment that we are expanding our current offer and increasing the ways you can interact with us, meaning existing contact routes will remain in place.  

Additionally, this strategy supports the council’s priority of making the best use of resources. By introducing smarter digital solutions, we can address the challenges posed by increasing demand and complexity of needs while working within limited resources. This approach ensures that we continue to deliver high-quality services efficiently and effectively.”

For more information and to read the Digital Strategy, visit West Sussex County Council Digital Strategy - West Sussex County Council.


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