Walking, horseriding and cycling
Find walking, horseriding and cycling routes across West Sussex.
Public Rights of Way
Information on using and maintaining Public Rights of Way.
Countryside access routes and paths
The different types of access to the countryside and our ongoing work to improve them.
West Sussex Local Access Forum
The Local Access Forum provides independent advice on public access to land for public recreation and other purposes.
Inspection and maintenance schedules
Find out about the maintenance schedule for West Sussex public rights of way.
Woodland products
Find suppliers of logs, firewood and woodland products in West Sussex.
Tree warden volunteer
Volunteer to help conserve trees and woods in your community.
Trees, woodlands and hedgerows
Find out what can be done to help conserve trees and woodlands in West Sussex.
Ash dieback
Find out about ash dieback, how we manage its impact and information for tree owners.
How we support conservation and biodiversity
Find out how we work with partners to conserve biodiversity.
West Sussex Tree Plan
The strategy to ensure that trees within the County Council’s ownership are maintained, protected and improved.