The Definitive Map and Statement

View the legal documents that establish rights of way.

The Definitive Map and Statement is the legal record of Public Rights of Way. Depending on the recorded status of the way, these paths are where the public has the right to walk, ride horses and bicycles and use non-motorised and motorised vehicles.

A route shown on the definitive map and statement is conclusive evidence of a Public Right of Way.

The Definitive Map is accompanied by a Definitive Statement, a conclusive written description of Public Rights of Way. It may give details of the width and limitations attached to the public paths.

Where to find the Definitive Map and Statement

The Definitive Map can be inspected by prior appointment, together with the accompanying Statement, at County Hall, Chichester. Electronic copies of the Definitive Map and Statement can also be provided via email. If you would like to obtain an electronic copy, please contact Legal Services using the email address below.

Copyright legislation prohibits photocopying of the Map. We can, however, under licence to the Ordnance Survey, provide replacement copies of the map to parish, district or borough councils and extracts to individuals on request. There is a charge to individuals for this service.

It may also be helpful to use the Public Rights of Way iMap. Although this online service is not the Definitive Map, it can be a helpful guide to find out more about a path's status or route.

Last updated:
24 June 2024
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