1 Overview
Important: West Sussex County Council (WSCC) is following Government advice regarding the closure of Public Rights of Way in response to COVID-19. The network currently remains open and legislation does not exist that would allow WSCC, as Local Highways Authority, to close paths due to COVID-19 at this time. Should this change, we will respond accordingly.
Current advice is that, with appropriate social distancing in place, it is possible to use local Public Rights of Way responsibly. Please make sure you wash you hands thoroughly when returning home from walking on Public Rights of Way as you will have touched gates and stiles that may have been used by others.
If you consider that planned works on or in the vicinity of any Public Right of Way may endanger path users, you will need to make formal application for a Temporary Closure Order (TCO) prior to any works beginning.
Whole paths, or sections of paths, can be temporarily closed for a period of up to five days while planned works take place. A minimum of two weeks' notice is required.
Planned works taking longer than five days, lasting up to six months, require six to eight weeks' written notice.
Emergency closures for unplanned works, such as to clear a fallen tree, are possible but will not be accepted where works could reasonably have been expected to need a path closure.
2 Fees
Prices are valid between 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025 and exclude VAT.
- £715 - Up to 5 days path closure
- £715 - Up to 21 days emergency/unplanned path closure
- £2,601 - Up to 6 months path closure
You will be able to select your preferred payment option on the application form. This can be either paying online or with a purchase order/reference number.
3 Apply
Ensure you have included all relevant information in your application when applying for either type of closure. This is necessary for WSCC to meet with the appropriate legal requirements.
Notification is required before, and on completion of, the works being undertaken. The path will be inspected to confirm that its surface has been reinstated to a standard as agreed. This will as a minimum be no less than existed before work began and to ensure the route is acceptable and safe for public use.
Temporary path closure application form (external link)