Sign up for job email alerts

How to be notified of the latest vacancies.

Personalised job email alerts

You can set up a personalised email alert, which can be customised by:

  • job type
  • location
  • your preferred contract type.

When you select the ‘Register for email alerts’ button below, you will be taken to the job search page where you will need to enter the relevant details for the type of jobs you would like to be notified of and then select ‘Search’. You will then need to scroll down to the bottom of the page and select the ‘Register for job alerts’ button.

You can select more than one job type and location by using the ‘shift’ button on your keyboard.

This type of job alert can be set up for a maximum of six months.

An automated email will be sent to you when a new job is added that matches the criteria you have set.

You can delete or change your preferences at any time - when you receive the job alert the option to do this is given at the bottom of the email.

You can set up as many job alerts with as many combinations of criteria as you like.

Register for email alerts
Last updated:
23 August 2023
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  • West Sussex County Council will only use this email address to respond to any issues raised.