Our teams

The teams that are supported by Occupational Therapists.

"I work as part of a supportive team and we work hard to provide a consistent service across the county, not just focussing on our own individual areas, which means we really work to help each other out."

Service Manager

Our teams

  • Our locality occupational therapy teams undertake assessments to establish need, using a strengths-based approach.

    They work in partnership with several agencies with the aim of enhancing independence, including giving advice and information, daily living equipment, moving and handling skills and recommendations for home adaptations.

  • West Sussex County Council's highways department employs Occupational Therapists to undertake mobility assessment for residents with physical and non-physical disability who are requesting a Blue Badge.

  • Our Lifelong Services teams have a unique focus, supporting people with lifelong physical disabilities, learning disabilities and autism (acquired before the age of 25) to live independent, productive lives.

  • The protection of staff and disabled people from manual handling and musculoskeletal injuries is a key priority for this small team who work countywide.

    As part of our informal West Sussex County Council (WSCC) Occupational Therapy virtual Meet the Team event, Josephine Brown, Occupational Therapy Moving and Handling Manager at WSCC, talked to us about her Moving and Handling Team and shared a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) moving and handling video.

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  • This team consists of Occupational Therapists, Social Workers and Assessment Officers who complete a strengths-based Care Act (2014) phone assessment and work with the person to identify solutions.

  • The Regaining Independence Service is a countywide team comprising of Occupational Therapists, Occupational Therapy Assistants and a Physiotherapist. It provides short-term intensive reablement to people living at home.

    Following a Care Act 2014 assessment, the Occupational Therapist will work with the person to identify reablement goals and wellbeing outcomes.

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