Current jobs
Find and apply for jobs and careers in the occupational therapy service.
Applying for a job with us
We are always happy to speak with:
- Occupational Therapy Assistants
- Occupational Therapists
- Senior Occupational Therapists
- Senior Occupational Therapy Practitioners.
Watch our video about what qualities Occupational Therapists need.
All roles will be subject to a Disclosure and Barring Service check.
Should you want to find out more about our teams and the opportunities available, the relevant manager would be more than happy to speak to you:
- Chichester and Bognor Regis - Pip Dennis (033 022 28054)
- Worthing and Littlehampton - Helen Thomas (033 022 23323)
- Adur - Sally Garbett (033 022 22313)
- Crawley - Lisa Rivers (033 022 28025)
- Horsham and Mid Sussex - Helena McNamee (033 022 28084)
- Lifelong Services - Lucy Hughes (033 022 28016)
- Regaining Independence Service - Joe Vithayathil (033 022 28206)
- All other areas - Meg Brownings, Principal Occupational Therapist (033 022 25592) or Paula McGaughey, Service Manager (033 022 28109).
Jobs with WSCC
You’ll be able to earn from £26,409 as an Occupational Therapy Assistant up to £71,620 as a Principal Occupational Therapist at West Sussex County Council (WSCC). You will also benefit from 25 to 30 days’ annual leave.
We are currently recruiting for a variety of exciting positions. Why don't you take a look and apply to join us today!
Job search - West Sussex County Council (external link)