Statutory publications
Reports we are required to publish.
West Sussex Community Safety Agreement
The West Sussex Community Safety Agreement is the partnership plan for the whole of the county. It pulls together information from the Community Safety Partnerships (CSPs) and other West Sussex agencies to provide a whole picture of crime and anti-social behaviour in the county and shows how the partnership is working to deal with identified issues.
West Sussex Strategic Intelligence Assessment
The production of a Strategic Intelligence Assessment (SIA) is a statutory requirement for the partnership under the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 and the Crime and Disorder Regulations 2011.
These annual assessments provide us with an accurate picture of current threats, harms and emerging risks across West Sussex using a range of verified data sources. This is required to improve safeguarding of vulnerable children and adults, reduce violence, exploitation and inequality that is currently affecting our local communities.
Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHRs)
For information about Domestic Homicide Reviews and available overview reports see our Domestic Homicide Review page.
Prevent Duty Guidance
You can find the Prevent duty guidance for specified authorities in England and Wales on the GOV.UK website.
Channel Duty Guidance
You can find the Channel duty guidance for specified authorities in England and Wales on the GOV.UK website.