Ordinary watercourse land drainage consent

Apply for ordinary watercourse land drainage consent.

1 Overview

Under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010, West Sussex County Council (as the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA)) is the consenting authority for proposed structures and obstructions within a watercourse; these require consent under section 23 of the Land Drainage Act 1991.

These structures and obstructions may include dams, weirs, culverts (pipes), or any other structure which affect the flow of water within the channel.

In line with good practice, the council seeks to avoid culverting, and consent for such works will not normally be granted except as a means of access.

What is an ordinary watercourse?

An ordinary watercourse is any river, stream, brook, ditch, drain, culvert, pipe and any other passage through which water may flow which is not designated as Main River. It does not have to be recorded on a map to be an ordinary watercourse and often is not.

You can check whether a watercourse is classified as a Main River with the Environment Agency’s Main River map. If the section of watercourse you want to work on is not on their map, then it is automatically classified as an ordinary watercourse.

Do I need ordinary watercourse consent?

All works (including temporary works) that obstruct water flow within the channel of an ordinary watercourse require consent. This could be a new pipe (culvert), bridge, dam, pond or any other structure in the watercourse, a diversion or a change to the alignment or the banks of the watercourse.

Our guidance notes below contains further details and examples of structures that might require consent.

Even if you have planning permission or other consents you still require consent for works to ordinary watercourses that obstruct the flow.

There are exceptions when consent is not required from WSCC which are:

2 Pre-application service

We offer a pre-application service for ordinary watercourse consent. We provide:

  • specific advice on what you need to consider for the proposed works on your site
  • advice about the level of detail we need from you in order for us to validate the application
  • one virtual meeting to discuss the application and proposal

An initial charge of £200 plus VAT covers review of information, a one-hour virtual meeting and a written response.

An additional charge of £135 plus VAT per hour covers additional work, including any further meetings or site visits. An estimate of cost, based on proposed time, will be provided before any work commences.

Request pre-application advice (external link)

4 Contact us

Last updated:
6 September 2024
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