Sustainable drainage systems

Find out how to include a sustainable drainage system in your development plans.

Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) aim to reduce surface water run-off from developments, mimicking the natural route that rainwater takes. More information on SuDS can be found on the Susdrain website.

Examples of SuDSs include:

  • green roofs
  • soakaways
  • ponds
  • wetlands
  • shallow ditches or swales
  • rain gardens
  • permeable pavement and underground storage.

National standards

The Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) carried out a consultation on the national standards, including details on the process for gaining SuDS approval. The full outcome is available on GOV.UK.

SuDS design and adoption guide

We have worked with our partner authorities to produce design guidance for developers which highlights the need to consider SuDS at an early planning stage.

Last updated:
29 August 2024
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