A message from Sarah Clark
Read a message from our Virtual School Headteacher
A very warm welcome to the West Sussex Virtual School.
The West Sussex Virtual School strives to champion the education of the children and young people of West Sussex who are, or have been cared for by the local authority or the state, who are known to social care (or have been in the past six years) or are living within Kinship Care arrangements.
"The Virtual School is not a real school with classrooms and playgrounds, but is a function of the local authority that brings together all the children and young people cared for by West Sussex as if they were all in one school."
We work with the on-roll school to track and monitor all elements of education such as attendance and attainment, and work with all other professionals to ensure that our children in care are fully supported in their education.
Like a real school, as Headteacher I lead a team of professionals bringing together a range of expertise to deliver the best support possible for our children and young people.
As corporate parent of the Children We Care For, we firmly believe that education is the foundation for improving lives and champion the right of every child to a high-quality education experience. As an attachment aware, trauma responsive institution (AATR), all of our work is underpinned by a commitment to promote an understanding of attachment and trauma on educational engagement and outcomes.
What do we do:
- Champion the education needs of all children cared for by West Sussex.
- Promote high aspirations for education by demanding that education is a priority for all children we care for and the wider network.
- Ensure that every child cared for by West Sussex can access the highest quality education that meets their personal needs and gives them the best possible opportunities and enhances their life chances.
- Assess and review personal education plans (PEPS) for all children we care for to ensure appropriate support and intervention in place.
- Promote the educational rights of all children known to the Virtual School.
What we offer
- Advice and guidance on all aspects of the education of children in care, previously looked after children, and those with, or have ever had a social worker.
- High quality training for schools, teachers, social workers, foster carers, and a range of other professionals.
- Bespoke education packages for all children cared for by West Sussex.
"My team and I look forward to working with you to ensure that our children receive the high-quality, trauma-sensitive, life-enhancing education that they deserve."
Sarah Clark
Head of West Sussex Virtual School