There is no legal requirement for a school to set homework. You can ask to see a copy of the school's homework policy, as this will explain the procedures in your child's school.
If you have any issues about homework that your child has been set, you should discuss them with your child's class teacher or form tutor, or your child's subject teacher.
Information about the homework your child has been set can be found in their homework diary. You can also regularly monitor and make comments in their homework diary, planner or home-school liaison book.
If you have had to contact your child's school and have not been satisfied with the response, raise the issue in writing with a senior member of staff, such as the head of year, deputy headteacher or headteacher. Alternatively, you can arrange a meeting with the headteacher.
If you are still not satisfied, you will need to put your complaint formally in writing to the chair of governors. It will be dealt with as a 'Curriculum' complaint - the school will advise you of the process.