To see a list of all local schools, add your postcode in the ’Postcode or town’ box below and select ‘Search’. Be aware that the distances given are to your postcode area and not to your exact address.
To see a map of all schools in your area, select ‘Map View’ and use the in/out (+/-) facility to zoom in or out then click on the schools' marker pins.
To find other types of schools not listed under 'School type', use the 'Search by keyword' box below. For example:
- type in ‘Catholic’ for Catholic schools
- type in ‘CofE’ for Church of England schools
- type in 'Academy' for academies
To display closed or partially open schools during term-time use the 'Status' filter. These will have a red or amber status next to their name and other information that the school provides.
Please refer to each school's website for inset dates.
Only use the information provided as a guide in any decision-making, such as choosing a school or help with school transport.
Results 332 item(s).
Page 1 of 17.
Key:Partially open Closed
- Albourne CofE Primary School
- Aldingbourne Primary School
- All Saints CofE Primary School
- Amberley CofE Primary School
- Ardingly College
- Arundel CofE Primary School
- Arunside School
- Ashington CofE Primary School
- Ashurst CofE Primary School
- Ashurst Wood Primary School
- Balcombe CofE Controlled Primary School
- Baldwins Hill Primary School
- Barnham Primary School
- Barns Green Primary School
- Bartons Primary School
- Bersted Green Primary School
- Billingshurst Primary Academy
- Birchwood Grove Community Primary School
- Birdham CofE Primary School
- Bishop Luffa School
- …